Thursday, June 27, 2013
The spirit of summer captured - shabby card with Inkido
Dzis wpadam na moment, z kartka w stylu shabby, inspirowana skandynawskim latem, oczywiscie z materialow Inkido. Uzyte materialy zobaczycie z bliska na blogu Inkido, zapraszam goraco :)
Today I'm sharing quickly an Inkido card inspired by the scandinavian summer.
Light, fresh, crisp and breezy , with a hint of shabby style :)
Please visit Inkido blog for details and the list of supplies.
Kartke wykonalam wg jednego ze starszych mapek Mojo, # 296
My card is based on one of the earlier Mojo sketches from this month, # 296.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Among the flowers - LO for Lift Summer Crafts
Witam cieplo wszystkich, ktorzy mnie tu czasem odwiedzaja !
Pojawiam sie dzis z prawdziwie letnim (w moim przekonaniu) scrapkiem przygotowanym wg mapki Karoli, jednym slowem moja praca na pierwsze wyzwanie Lift Summer Crafts!
Hello my dear visitors!
I'm back today with a truly summer (in my humble opinion) layout, inpired by the skiss prepared by the one and only Karola W - in other words my entry for challenge #1 at Lift Summer Crafts!
Wyzwanie obudzilo jak widac moje uzaleznienie od mediow, w szczegolnosci gesso i akwarelek Luminarte Twinkling H2O :)
Przy takiej ilosci gesso, ufam tylko kartonowi kraft by Papierowa Galanteria, ktory potrafi naprawde wiele wytrzymac :)
Nalozylam na niego gesso gumowym szerokim pedzlem-lopatka, przykrywajac kraft niemal calkowicie. Na gesso przykleilam serwetke i po wyschnieciu nalozylam paste strukturalna przez maske z tekstem.
Calosc schnie dosc szybko i juz wkrotce baza byla gotowa na plamki akwareli.
Do kompozycji pod zdjeciem i wykrojnikowych wycinanek uzylam papierow z 2 malych padow Prima, Lifetime oraz Sunrise Sunset.
Dziekuje za odwiedziny!
This challenge has awaken my gesso& Luminarte Twinkling H2O addiction :)
With this volume of gesso, I only trust one base paper and that is kraft cardstock by Papierowa Galanteria.
I applied gesso with a wide rubber brush-spatula, covering kraft almost entirely.
The paper doily adhered to gesso without any glue needed. After that I added some stencils (script) and once everything was dry, the watercolour splashes could be applied. Splash-spray water-dry and so on, you know the drill ;) I used some linen/beige/pink colours of H2O.
For the layering under the photo and die cutting I used bits and pieces from Prima's small pads Lifetime and Sunrise Sunset.
Thanks for looking!
Pojawiam sie dzis z prawdziwie letnim (w moim przekonaniu) scrapkiem przygotowanym wg mapki Karoli, jednym slowem moja praca na pierwsze wyzwanie Lift Summer Crafts!
Hello my dear visitors!
I'm back today with a truly summer (in my humble opinion) layout, inpired by the skiss prepared by the one and only Karola W - in other words my entry for challenge #1 at Lift Summer Crafts!
Wyzwanie obudzilo jak widac moje uzaleznienie od mediow, w szczegolnosci gesso i akwarelek Luminarte Twinkling H2O :)
Przy takiej ilosci gesso, ufam tylko kartonowi kraft by Papierowa Galanteria, ktory potrafi naprawde wiele wytrzymac :)
Nalozylam na niego gesso gumowym szerokim pedzlem-lopatka, przykrywajac kraft niemal calkowicie. Na gesso przykleilam serwetke i po wyschnieciu nalozylam paste strukturalna przez maske z tekstem.
Calosc schnie dosc szybko i juz wkrotce baza byla gotowa na plamki akwareli.
Do kompozycji pod zdjeciem i wykrojnikowych wycinanek uzylam papierow z 2 malych padow Prima, Lifetime oraz Sunrise Sunset.
Dziekuje za odwiedziny!
This challenge has awaken my gesso& Luminarte Twinkling H2O addiction :)
With this volume of gesso, I only trust one base paper and that is kraft cardstock by Papierowa Galanteria.
I applied gesso with a wide rubber brush-spatula, covering kraft almost entirely.
The paper doily adhered to gesso without any glue needed. After that I added some stencils (script) and once everything was dry, the watercolour splashes could be applied. Splash-spray water-dry and so on, you know the drill ;) I used some linen/beige/pink colours of H2O.
For the layering under the photo and die cutting I used bits and pieces from Prima's small pads Lifetime and Sunrise Sunset.
Thanks for looking!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Let's Get Shabby # 47
Witam Was cieplo!
Dzis przybywam aby zachecic Was do udzialu w wyzwaniu # 47 Let's Get Shabby! Pozwolcie sie zainspirowac...porcelana! Szczegoly wyzwania znajdziecie tutaj.
I'm popping in today, advertising challenge # 47 at Let's Get Shabby - let's get shabby inspired by... bone china/porcelain!
The details can be found here
Moja inspiracja staly sie moje ulubione kubki na herbate, ktore pracuja na zmiane i wiernie towarzysza mi przy wieczornym scrapowaniu :)
Wykorzystalam kolorystyke oraz geometryczny wzor aby ozdobic torebke na prezent.
My inspiration came from my favorite tea mugs, loyal companions during my crafty evenings.
I used the colours and the rectangular patterns to decorate the gift bag.
Torebke ozdobilam kawalkami kartonu kraft, embossowanego na zimno roznymi wzorami oraz fragmentami starej bawelnianej serwetki.
The bag is decorated with kraft cardstock, embossed with different patterns of embossing folders, and piece of old cotton doily.
Dziekuje za odwiedziny i zachecam do udzialu w naszym wyzwaniu- pamietajcie tylko prosze aby zapoznac sie z warunkami wyzwan LGS.
Thanks for stopping by, hope you got a little bit inspired to join our challenge:) Just please remember to check LGS challenge rules.
Dzis przybywam aby zachecic Was do udzialu w wyzwaniu # 47 Let's Get Shabby! Pozwolcie sie zainspirowac...porcelana! Szczegoly wyzwania znajdziecie tutaj.
I'm popping in today, advertising challenge # 47 at Let's Get Shabby - let's get shabby inspired by... bone china/porcelain!
The details can be found here
Moja inspiracja staly sie moje ulubione kubki na herbate, ktore pracuja na zmiane i wiernie towarzysza mi przy wieczornym scrapowaniu :)
Wykorzystalam kolorystyke oraz geometryczny wzor aby ozdobic torebke na prezent.
My inspiration came from my favorite tea mugs, loyal companions during my crafty evenings.
I used the colours and the rectangular patterns to decorate the gift bag.
Torebke ozdobilam kawalkami kartonu kraft, embossowanego na zimno roznymi wzorami oraz fragmentami starej bawelnianej serwetki.
The bag is decorated with kraft cardstock, embossed with different patterns of embossing folders, and piece of old cotton doily.
Dziekuje za odwiedziny i zachecam do udzialu w naszym wyzwaniu- pamietajcie tylko prosze aby zapoznac sie z warunkami wyzwan LGS.
Thanks for stopping by, hope you got a little bit inspired to join our challenge:) Just please remember to check LGS challenge rules.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
How U Use ... distress! Mixed Media Place GD
Witam Was cieplo!
Dzis z ogromna przyjemnoscia prezentuje moja prace w fantastycznym gronie projektantek Mixed Media Place!
Jest to bowiem moja druga praca jako Goscinnej Projektantki tego miesiaca.
A tym razem chcemy Was zainspirowac do zabawy medium, ktore zna chyba kazda scraperka-mianowicie distress inks.
Oto distressy w akcji u mnie :)
Hey there friends!
Today I have a pleasure to be sharing my project among the talented Design Team of Mixed Media Place!
It's my second GD June project made for the store.
We would like to inspire you to use a well familiar medium - distress inks!
Zdjecie zrobila mi telefonem moja coreczka podczas naszej zabawy wiankami:)
Pobawilam sie nim przy uzyciu aplikacji Vintique i tak przetworzone zainpirowalo mnie do wykonania podobnej kolorystycznie, nieco siermieznej oprawy.
This is a quick iphone shot, taken by my little daughter when we were having fun, making the flower wreaths. I played with it a bit, trying different filters and frames in app Vintique and I liked the final colour effect so much, that I used the colours as the inspiration for the frame.
Na podkladzie z bialej sztywnej tektury (niewykorzystane passe partout z ikeowskiej ramki) nanioslam nieco Matte medium Ranger , nakleilam kawalki gazet, przetarlam czesciowo papierem sciernym po czym intensywnie wytuszowalam . Spryskalam woda, podsuszylam nagrzewnica i ponownie tuszowalam, az do uzyskania pozadanego efektu. Na koniec wytuszowalam tez brzegi ciemnym tuszem. Calosc pokrylam ponownie cienka wartswa matte medium .
Pozostale warstwy to koronka, tektura falist i karton kraft, potraktowane gesso aby rozjasnic prace i dodac kontrastu.
Using white thick cardstock as a base, I applied some Ranger Matte medium on it, adhered few pieces of newspaper and once it dried, I brushed off some surface with the sandpaper. Applied distress ink, sprayed a bit with water to get the reaction, dried with embossing tool and applied more colour again, until reaching the desired effect. I ended with inking the edges with the dark ink and applying a thin layer of matte medium on the surface.
The other layers are: piece of old lace, corrugated board and craft cardstock, both treated with some gesso to add contrast and light.
Distress inks I used here :
walnut stain
spiced marmalade
vintage photo
rusty hinge
barn door
peeled paint
crushed olive
Zapraszam Was goraco do wspolnej zabawy distressami na blogu Mixed Media Place!
Join our challenge at Mixed Media Place! and show us how do you use ditress inks!
Dzis z ogromna przyjemnoscia prezentuje moja prace w fantastycznym gronie projektantek Mixed Media Place!
Jest to bowiem moja druga praca jako Goscinnej Projektantki tego miesiaca.
A tym razem chcemy Was zainspirowac do zabawy medium, ktore zna chyba kazda scraperka-mianowicie distress inks.
Oto distressy w akcji u mnie :)
Hey there friends!
Today I have a pleasure to be sharing my project among the talented Design Team of Mixed Media Place!
It's my second GD June project made for the store.
We would like to inspire you to use a well familiar medium - distress inks!
Zdjecie zrobila mi telefonem moja coreczka podczas naszej zabawy wiankami:)
Pobawilam sie nim przy uzyciu aplikacji Vintique i tak przetworzone zainpirowalo mnie do wykonania podobnej kolorystycznie, nieco siermieznej oprawy.
This is a quick iphone shot, taken by my little daughter when we were having fun, making the flower wreaths. I played with it a bit, trying different filters and frames in app Vintique and I liked the final colour effect so much, that I used the colours as the inspiration for the frame.
Na podkladzie z bialej sztywnej tektury (niewykorzystane passe partout z ikeowskiej ramki) nanioslam nieco Matte medium Ranger , nakleilam kawalki gazet, przetarlam czesciowo papierem sciernym po czym intensywnie wytuszowalam . Spryskalam woda, podsuszylam nagrzewnica i ponownie tuszowalam, az do uzyskania pozadanego efektu. Na koniec wytuszowalam tez brzegi ciemnym tuszem. Calosc pokrylam ponownie cienka wartswa matte medium .
Pozostale warstwy to koronka, tektura falist i karton kraft, potraktowane gesso aby rozjasnic prace i dodac kontrastu.
Using white thick cardstock as a base, I applied some Ranger Matte medium on it, adhered few pieces of newspaper and once it dried, I brushed off some surface with the sandpaper. Applied distress ink, sprayed a bit with water to get the reaction, dried with embossing tool and applied more colour again, until reaching the desired effect. I ended with inking the edges with the dark ink and applying a thin layer of matte medium on the surface.
The other layers are: piece of old lace, corrugated board and craft cardstock, both treated with some gesso to add contrast and light.
Distress inks I used here :
walnut stain
spiced marmalade
vintage photo
rusty hinge
barn door
peeled paint
crushed olive
Zapraszam Was goraco do wspolnej zabawy distressami na blogu Mixed Media Place!
Join our challenge at Mixed Media Place! and show us how do you use ditress inks!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Twinkling beauty - OUAS June challenge
Witam Was w ta ciepla czerwcowa noc - choc za oknem jest jeszcze dosc jasno.
Dzisiaj wpadam z praca mixed mediowa.
Inspiracja dla mnie bylo wyzwanie OUAS - What's your guilty pleasure?
O ho ho.. moja lista jest dluga, mam ich co najmniej kilka na sumieniu :) Wybralam ta , ktora przyszla mi pierwsza do glowy a mianowicie zakupy scrapkowe. Mialam faze na nalogowe kupowanie distressow, potem byly misty a najnowszy romans mam z farbkami Luminarte , w szczegolnosci Twinkling H2O.
Chcialabym , zeby moja kolekcja wygladala tak jak na zdjeciu , a wlasciwie jest to fragment zdjecia ze strony producenta :)
(to jest temat mojego journalingu , ktory umiescilam na tylnej stronie)
Hello on this warm summer night ...even thought it's still quite light outside amazing!
Popping in with a mixed media project, inpired by OUAS June challenge - What's your guilty pleasure?
My list is long , so it was just to pick and choose :) I took the one that first came to my head - the ultimate pleasure of shopping for scrapbook supplies!
After distress inks and mists, I'm now in love with Luminarte paints, specifically Twinkling H2O. No panic please, this photo is not showing my personal set, it's just taken from the producer's site.
But how I wish they were all mine... :)
(the page is already quite 'busy' so I placed my journaling on the backside- this is in short the content of it)
Prace ta zrobilam na szarym kartonie eko z faktura z Papierowej Galanterii. Pisalam juz kiedys o tym papierze i moge potwierdzic , ze to swietny papier do mediowych prac, zwlaszcza takich a charakterze akwarelowym.
Zastosowalam tu rozne techniki z uzyciem Twinkling H2O : 'mokre na mokrym', chlapania i stemplowanie gumowym stemplem.
Na tak przygotowanym tle odbilam kilka stempli i nalozylam gesso przez 2 rozne maski .
Tego samego kartonu uzylam do wyciecia wykrojnikowych ksztaltow.
I used eco cardstock from Papierowa Galanteria . It's my favorite alternative to watercolour paper and it comes in convenient size of 30x30.
It works perfectly with mixed media, which I have tried couple of times before. Here you can see various watercolour effects of Twinkling H2O (wet on wet, splashes, stamping with rubber stamp), then some stamping (archival ink) and gesso stencil
A jesli ciekawi Was dlaczego 'twinkling' to lepiej widac na zdjeciu zrobionym w pelnym sloncu:)
If you wonder why 'twinkling' - this is the photo taken in the bright daylight, see the sparkle?
Papierowa Galanteria (eco cardstock)
Mixed Media Place - Twinkling H2O by Luminarte
Scrap Pasja - Dies (Sizzix & Joy crafts)
Dzisiaj wpadam z praca mixed mediowa.
Inspiracja dla mnie bylo wyzwanie OUAS - What's your guilty pleasure?
O ho ho.. moja lista jest dluga, mam ich co najmniej kilka na sumieniu :) Wybralam ta , ktora przyszla mi pierwsza do glowy a mianowicie zakupy scrapkowe. Mialam faze na nalogowe kupowanie distressow, potem byly misty a najnowszy romans mam z farbkami Luminarte , w szczegolnosci Twinkling H2O.
Chcialabym , zeby moja kolekcja wygladala tak jak na zdjeciu , a wlasciwie jest to fragment zdjecia ze strony producenta :)
(to jest temat mojego journalingu , ktory umiescilam na tylnej stronie)
Hello on this warm summer night ...even thought it's still quite light outside amazing!
Popping in with a mixed media project, inpired by OUAS June challenge - What's your guilty pleasure?
My list is long , so it was just to pick and choose :) I took the one that first came to my head - the ultimate pleasure of shopping for scrapbook supplies!
After distress inks and mists, I'm now in love with Luminarte paints, specifically Twinkling H2O. No panic please, this photo is not showing my personal set, it's just taken from the producer's site.
But how I wish they were all mine... :)
(the page is already quite 'busy' so I placed my journaling on the backside- this is in short the content of it)
Prace ta zrobilam na szarym kartonie eko z faktura z Papierowej Galanterii. Pisalam juz kiedys o tym papierze i moge potwierdzic , ze to swietny papier do mediowych prac, zwlaszcza takich a charakterze akwarelowym.
Zastosowalam tu rozne techniki z uzyciem Twinkling H2O : 'mokre na mokrym', chlapania i stemplowanie gumowym stemplem.
Na tak przygotowanym tle odbilam kilka stempli i nalozylam gesso przez 2 rozne maski .
Tego samego kartonu uzylam do wyciecia wykrojnikowych ksztaltow.
I used eco cardstock from Papierowa Galanteria . It's my favorite alternative to watercolour paper and it comes in convenient size of 30x30.
It works perfectly with mixed media, which I have tried couple of times before. Here you can see various watercolour effects of Twinkling H2O (wet on wet, splashes, stamping with rubber stamp), then some stamping (archival ink) and gesso stencil
A jesli ciekawi Was dlaczego 'twinkling' to lepiej widac na zdjeciu zrobionym w pelnym sloncu:)
If you wonder why 'twinkling' - this is the photo taken in the bright daylight, see the sparkle?
Papierowa Galanteria (eco cardstock)
Mixed Media Place - Twinkling H2O by Luminarte
Scrap Pasja - Dies (Sizzix & Joy crafts)
Thursday, June 13, 2013
You are my miracle - LO with Inkido and TCR#152
Czas na moj czwartkowy projekt DT dla Inkido. Koniecznie odwiedzajcie naszego bloga, znajdziecie tam mnostwo inspiracji i ciekawe wyzwania:)
Lato puka do nas w tej czesci Europy, jest juz tyle swietnych zdjec do oscrapowania i inspiracji dookola! Tym razem moje oko przyciagnela fantastyczna paleta kolorystyczna The Color Room.
Hello friends!
It's time for my DT project for Inkido. Please visit our Inkido blog for tones of inspiration and check out our June challenge!
Summer is just around the corner here in Sweden - there are already so many nice photos to frame and so much inspiration around!
For this layout I got inspired by the current colour palette at The Color Room where our fabulous DT coordinator Bellaidea appears as a GD.
Here is my take on the TCR challenge:
Kolory tej cudnej palety idealnie pasuja do naszych kolekcji Inkido
The colours of this palette are matching perfectly with our new Inkido collections, just have a look at this gorgeous palette:
Wykorzystalam nawet zalaczony szkic, jako punkt wyjsciowy mojej kompozycji-pozniej jednak poniosla mnie niekontrolowana tworcza fantazja wiec troche trudno go rozpoznac.
I even used the provided sketch as a starting point but I sort of drifted away in the uncontrolled process of layering ;)
Dziekuje za odwiedziny!
Thanks for stopping by!
Czas na moj czwartkowy projekt DT dla Inkido. Koniecznie odwiedzajcie naszego bloga, znajdziecie tam mnostwo inspiracji i ciekawe wyzwania:)
Lato puka do nas w tej czesci Europy, jest juz tyle swietnych zdjec do oscrapowania i inspiracji dookola! Tym razem moje oko przyciagnela fantastyczna paleta kolorystyczna The Color Room.
Hello friends!
It's time for my DT project for Inkido. Please visit our Inkido blog for tones of inspiration and check out our June challenge!
Summer is just around the corner here in Sweden - there are already so many nice photos to frame and so much inspiration around!
For this layout I got inspired by the current colour palette at The Color Room where our fabulous DT coordinator Bellaidea appears as a GD.
Here is my take on the TCR challenge:
Kolory tej cudnej palety idealnie pasuja do naszych kolekcji Inkido
The colours of this palette are matching perfectly with our new Inkido collections, just have a look at this gorgeous palette:
Wykorzystalam nawet zalaczony szkic, jako punkt wyjsciowy mojej kompozycji-pozniej jednak poniosla mnie niekontrolowana tworcza fantazja wiec troche trudno go rozpoznac.
I even used the provided sketch as a starting point but I sort of drifted away in the uncontrolled process of layering ;)
Dziekuje za odwiedziny!
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Mixed Media Place GD!!!
Z radoscia donosze, ze w tym miesiacu mam zaszczyt goscic we wspanialym gronie sklepu Mixed Media Place jako goscinna projektantka :)
Oto moja pierwsza praca wykonana specjalnie dla Mixed Media place. Po szczegoly i liste materialow zapraszam na bloga sklepu :)
I have a great pleasure and honour to be a Guest Designer at Mixed Media Place this month.
Here's my first project done for MMP, details and the list of supplies can be found on the store blog.
Oto moja pierwsza praca wykonana specjalnie dla Mixed Media place. Po szczegoly i liste materialow zapraszam na bloga sklepu :)
I have a great pleasure and honour to be a Guest Designer at Mixed Media Place this month.
Here's my first project done for MMP, details and the list of supplies can be found on the store blog.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Scrap Around The World - June moodboard
Hi there friends & fans of Scrap Around The World!
Here we go with our 2nd challenge!
If we get lucky there will be prizes for the featured layouts too!
We have prizes for the Merit & Random winner AND for all 3 features!!!
AS WELL as winning our first prize,the winner will be invited back as Guest Designer for the next challenge.
Our challenges are open to everyone, anywhere in the world & all this month's prizes include FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING!!
This month our merit winner will receive this HUGE pack of papers (the new 'Faces of Spring' Collection) PLUS mixed media goodies from our generous Polish sponsor, 13arts, owned by our wonderful & kind friend Aida Domisiewicz who is a highly talented mixed media artist herself.

Here we go with our 2nd challenge!
All you need to do is be inspired by the mood board (in ANY way) & use our sketch as your starting point.
(No need to tell us HOW the board inspired you if it is OBVIOUS, otherwise please let us know - a couple of lines explanation is all that is vital for us).
**The above image MUST appear on the blog post containing your challenge entry -you also need to mention that you are playing along with the current challenge at Scrap Around The World & LINK UP TO IT please (not to your entire blog)
How to use our sketches
As you would any other sketch. We would like to see that it definitely inspired you & was your 'starting point' but you can 'make it your own' by flipping it, turning it, inverting it & moving things about if you like.
You can also change the photo orientation and number of photos to be as few or as many as you like.
How to use our mood boards
Our mood boards are for your INSPIRATION only. You can be inspired by one of the images, all of the images, or any number of them, or even parts thereof.
It's entirely up to you! Be Inspired in any way!!
Let me share with you how this amazing moodboard has inspired me:
The combination of soft, pastel rose, mint green & vintage browns inspired me to create a feminine vintage layout based on that colour scheme. The field in Image 1 inspired the idea of using die-cut wild flowers to pad out my flower arrangement. I interpreted the banner very gently through the use of tiny dots of Liquid Pearls. Lastly, the camera images inspired the title of my layout as they are responsible for capturing life's moments.
Onto our prizes & sponsors for this challenge!
Our design team votes on all entries, thus selecting a winner & 3 featured. A random winner is also drawn.
There will always be a prize for the Merit Winner & the Random Winner.
If we get lucky there will be prizes for the featured layouts too!
This month we are again blessed with 5 PRIZES!!
We have prizes for the Merit & Random winner AND for all 3 features!!!
AS WELL as winning our first prize,the winner will be invited back as Guest Designer for the next challenge.
Our challenges are open to everyone, anywhere in the world & all this month's prizes include FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING!!
This month our merit winner will receive this HUGE pack of papers (the new 'Faces of Spring' Collection) PLUS mixed media goodies from our generous Polish sponsor, 13arts, owned by our wonderful & kind friend Aida Domisiewicz who is a highly talented mixed media artist herself.

2nd place will receive a complete paper collection 'Home Sweet Home' from another awesome Polish company - Studio 75 - shipping included! Check out their online store too HERE.

3rd place will receive a $25 chipboard prize-pack from Scrapmatts Chipboard
in Australia,containing a selection of their latest releases - shipping included!
This is just an example of the type of product you will win!

4th place will receive 3 packs of Flairs OF YOUR CHOICE from A Piece of Cake Designs
in Australia, including free shipping!

{Above are just a few examples of the wide choice available!}
Our random winner will receive this prize pack of The Crafter's Workshop 12x12 Templates kindly donated by Anupama herself.
The deadline for this challenge is midnight EST Tuesday 25th June 2013.
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