Hello friends!
There have been few Christmas cards here so far and pastels definitely win this season.
On Inkido blog I'm sharing an angelic , shabby card today. Check out our blog for details.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The little gifts - decorated kraft boxes
I have one more project to share this week and that's a set of gift boxes. I used the kraft pillow boxes from Papierowa Galanteria and I decorated them with literally the scraps and pieces from my stash :)
It's addicting, I'm sure I will soon have a few more.
Witam cieplo!
Mam dzis jeszcze jeden projekt-zestaw ozdobionych przeze mnie pudeleczek kraftowych. Pudeleczka pillow box pochodza oczywiscie z Papierowej Galanterii i ozdobilam je doslownie resztkami materialow. Zabawa jest przednia i jak zwykle przy pracy z kraftem nowe pomysly pojawiaja sie w miare tworzenie, wiec pewnie bedzie tu niedlugo wiecej takich pudeleczek.
How about an elegant kraft+white...
...or traditional red and green...
...or glamour pink and gold?
here they come again:)
That's just a part of what you can get from Papierowa Galanteria and make into a special,personalized gift.
Have a lovely Sunday everybody!
I have one more project to share this week and that's a set of gift boxes. I used the kraft pillow boxes from Papierowa Galanteria and I decorated them with literally the scraps and pieces from my stash :)
It's addicting, I'm sure I will soon have a few more.
Witam cieplo!
Mam dzis jeszcze jeden projekt-zestaw ozdobionych przeze mnie pudeleczek kraftowych. Pudeleczka pillow box pochodza oczywiscie z Papierowej Galanterii i ozdobilam je doslownie resztkami materialow. Zabawa jest przednia i jak zwykle przy pracy z kraftem nowe pomysly pojawiaja sie w miare tworzenie, wiec pewnie bedzie tu niedlugo wiecej takich pudeleczek.
How about an elegant kraft+white...
here they come again:)
That's just a part of what you can get from Papierowa Galanteria and make into a special,personalized gift.
Have a lovely Sunday everybody!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Moments captured - Prima PPP
It's been quiet on my blog for a while, but I'm working on few projects to be shared soon:)
Meanwhile I have a current layout to share , inspired by Prima's PPP palette.
Dosc spokojnie na moim blogu ale pracuje intensywnie nad kilkoma projektami na grudzien-styczen.
W miedzyczasie udalo mi sie zdazyc z layoutem inpirowanym jesienna paleta Prima PPP.
I picked the beautiful collections Engraver, Everyday Vintage and Lifetime, and they showed me the way:) I just went with the flow, having a great time stamping, fussy cutting and arranging the layers.
Wyciagnelam ulubione kolekcje Primy czyli Engraver, Everyday Vintage i Lifetime, i one pokazaly mi droge:) Dalam sie po prostu poniesc fali.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Pozdrawiam Was cieplo!
It's been quiet on my blog for a while, but I'm working on few projects to be shared soon:)
Meanwhile I have a current layout to share , inspired by Prima's PPP palette.
Dosc spokojnie na moim blogu ale pracuje intensywnie nad kilkoma projektami na grudzien-styczen.
W miedzyczasie udalo mi sie zdazyc z layoutem inpirowanym jesienna paleta Prima PPP.
I picked the beautiful collections Engraver, Everyday Vintage and Lifetime, and they showed me the way:) I just went with the flow, having a great time stamping, fussy cutting and arranging the layers.
Wyciagnelam ulubione kolekcje Primy czyli Engraver, Everyday Vintage i Lifetime, i one pokazaly mi droge:) Dalam sie po prostu poniesc fali.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Pozdrawiam Was cieplo!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Scraplifting with scrapki.pl
Witajcie ponownie!
W listopadzie czyli 'moim' miesiacu na blogu scrapki.pl-mam oczywiscie na mysli moja role jako Goscinnej Projektantki-liftujemy przepiekna prace Betik.
Inspiracja nadeszla momentalnie i z ogromna sila - najbardziej urzeklo mnie zastosowanie surowego materialu czyli zwyklej tektury oraz polaczenie jej z biela i rozem.
W layoucie inspirowanym praca Betik nie moglo oczywiscie zabraknac motywu roz :) Dodalam tez jeden bardzo wdzieczny element oryginalu jako element mojej kompozycji- jest to owalna ramka, fantazyjnie przewiazana na guziczkach.
Prace wykonalam na bazie kraftowej (Papierowa Galanteria) z dodatkiej skrawkow kolekcji Prima Engraver, mocno rozbielonej gesso. Nieco koronek, dodatkow i delikatnych rumiencow dodatnych tu i tam glimmer mistem.
Zapraszam Was goraco do wspolnej zabawy w liftowanie na blogu scrapki! Zajrzyjcie koniecznie na bloga scrapki.pl aby zobaczyc wspaniale interpretacje czlonkow DT!
Hello Friends!
I have an immense pleasure to be a Guest Designer at scrapki.pl this month! The project you see above is a scraplift of a beautiful card made by a DT member Betik. A scraplift challenge is played every month on this blog and one of DT projects is presented as an inpiration.Make sure to check it out and come play with us!
Inspired by Betik's colour scheme and the usage of a recycled material, I went for a layout made on heavy kraft (Papierowa Galanteria) with a dominance of white and some blushing pinks.
Hope you enjoyed your stay here!
W listopadzie czyli 'moim' miesiacu na blogu scrapki.pl-mam oczywiscie na mysli moja role jako Goscinnej Projektantki-liftujemy przepiekna prace Betik.
Inspiracja nadeszla momentalnie i z ogromna sila - najbardziej urzeklo mnie zastosowanie surowego materialu czyli zwyklej tektury oraz polaczenie jej z biela i rozem.
W layoucie inspirowanym praca Betik nie moglo oczywiscie zabraknac motywu roz :) Dodalam tez jeden bardzo wdzieczny element oryginalu jako element mojej kompozycji- jest to owalna ramka, fantazyjnie przewiazana na guziczkach.
Prace wykonalam na bazie kraftowej (Papierowa Galanteria) z dodatkiej skrawkow kolekcji Prima Engraver, mocno rozbielonej gesso. Nieco koronek, dodatkow i delikatnych rumiencow dodatnych tu i tam glimmer mistem.
Zapraszam Was goraco do wspolnej zabawy w liftowanie na blogu scrapki! Zajrzyjcie koniecznie na bloga scrapki.pl aby zobaczyc wspaniale interpretacje czlonkow DT!
Hello Friends!
I have an immense pleasure to be a Guest Designer at scrapki.pl this month! The project you see above is a scraplift of a beautiful card made by a DT member Betik. A scraplift challenge is played every month on this blog and one of DT projects is presented as an inpiration.Make sure to check it out and come play with us!
Inspired by Betik's colour scheme and the usage of a recycled material, I went for a layout made on heavy kraft (Papierowa Galanteria) with a dominance of white and some blushing pinks.
Hope you enjoyed your stay here!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Jesiennie w roli GD - scrapki.pl
Dzis dla odmiany bedzie tylko po polsku bo mam przyjemnosc byc w tym miesiacu Goscinna Projektantka dla fantastycznego sklepu scrapki.pl ! Jest to sklep w ktorym robilam moje pierwsze scrapkowe zakupy, wiec mam do niego specjalny sentyment :)
Dla scrapki.pl przygotowalam w tym iesiacu m. in. ten layout z jesienna wrozka.
Calosc dosc stonowana, ozywiona mocniejszymi akcentami kolorystycznymi - inspirowalam sie kolorystyka zdjecia i przenioslam te kolory na moja prace. Aby podkreslic surowy klimat, zrezygnowalam prawie z dodatkow , poza kilkoma stemplowanymi wycietymi listkami i delikatna papierowa serwetka.
Dziekuje zalodze scrapki.pl za tak cieple przyjecie w tym miesiacu, jestem bardzo szczesliwa i dumna mogac ponownie tutaj goscic!
Dzis dla odmiany bedzie tylko po polsku bo mam przyjemnosc byc w tym miesiacu Goscinna Projektantka dla fantastycznego sklepu scrapki.pl ! Jest to sklep w ktorym robilam moje pierwsze scrapkowe zakupy, wiec mam do niego specjalny sentyment :)
Dla scrapki.pl przygotowalam w tym iesiacu m. in. ten layout z jesienna wrozka.
Calosc dosc stonowana, ozywiona mocniejszymi akcentami kolorystycznymi - inspirowalam sie kolorystyka zdjecia i przenioslam te kolory na moja prace. Aby podkreslic surowy klimat, zrezygnowalam prawie z dodatkow , poza kilkoma stemplowanymi wycietymi listkami i delikatna papierowa serwetka.
Materialy dostepne w scrapki.pl:
Dziekuje zalodze scrapki.pl za tak cieple przyjecie w tym miesiacu, jestem bardzo szczesliwa i dumna mogac ponownie tutaj goscic!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Christmas box in a shabby style
A quick creation today, a gift box, truly in a shabby style.
Dzisiaj bedzie krotko i zwiezle, pudelko swiatecznie w stylu shabby.
I used a plain kraft DL size box (Papierowa Galanteria) which I quickly primed with gesso and embellished with some paper scraps. I used few bits from the beautiful Mushrooms line by UHK Gallery for die cuts of different shapes.
Nothing typical Christmas but when adding a suitable sentiment, it will definitely work as a box for the Christmas gift :)
Thanks for stopping by today, hope to see you around again!
Wykorzystalam pudelko kraftowe z Papierowej Galanterii jako baze, ktore zagruntowalam gesso i ozdobilam skrawkami papieru z kolekcji Mushrooms / UHK Gallery.
Nic typowo swiatecznego ale z odpowiednimi zyczeniami moze chyba zagoscic pod choinka :)
Dziekuje za odwiedziny i zapraszam ponownie !
A quick creation today, a gift box, truly in a shabby style.
Dzisiaj bedzie krotko i zwiezle, pudelko swiatecznie w stylu shabby.
I used a plain kraft DL size box (Papierowa Galanteria) which I quickly primed with gesso and embellished with some paper scraps. I used few bits from the beautiful Mushrooms line by UHK Gallery for die cuts of different shapes.
Nothing typical Christmas but when adding a suitable sentiment, it will definitely work as a box for the Christmas gift :)
Thanks for stopping by today, hope to see you around again!
Wykorzystalam pudelko kraftowe z Papierowej Galanterii jako baze, ktore zagruntowalam gesso i ozdobilam skrawkami papieru z kolekcji Mushrooms / UHK Gallery.
Nic typowo swiatecznego ale z odpowiednimi zyczeniami moze chyba zagoscic pod choinka :)
Dziekuje za odwiedziny i zapraszam ponownie !
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Happiness - vintage, girly and a mixed media background tutorial
Praca, ktora pokaze dzisiaj laczy w sobie w techniki, ktore uwielbiam... Sa stemple, maskowanie i farba akwarelowa. Byc moze brzmi jak cos skomplikowanego ale naprawde takie nie jest. Mam kilka zdjec poszczegolnych etapow pracy, zeby to udowodnic;) Moze posluzyc jako namiastka kursiku albo po prostu inspiracja, zeby sprobowac czegos podobnego!
The layout I'm sharing today incorporates all techniques that I love- stamping, masking and watercolour to name a few;) It might sound complicated but it really isn't! I have taken a few shots 'on the go' to show that, which might serve as a mini-tutorial, or maybe just a hint of an inspiration to try!
Historii rodzinnych ciag dalszy, czyli czas na kolejne zdjecie z rodzinnego archiwum. Najmlodsza z siostr na zdjeciu to babcia mojej corki ;)
Another photo from a family album. The youngest of the three sisters here is my daughter's grandma /farmor ;)
Layout wykonalam na jasnym kartonie eco (by Papierowa Galanteria) z niewielkim dodatkiem skrawkow scrapowych papierow. Pomysl na tlo przyszedl mi do glowy, kiedy popatrzylam na kawalek papieru na ktorym zwykle odbijam stemple, zeby je wyczyscic ;) Po jednym z projektow powstal kwiatowy, dosc wdzieczny collage.
My layout is based on the light eco cardstock (by Papierowa Galanteria) with just few scraps of scrapbook papers. I got this idea when I looked on the paper which I usually use to clean my stamps from excess ink after stamping. After one project I got a quite nice flowery collage on this page ;)
Karton nalezy zagruntowac gesso i poczekac az wyschnie. Dzieki temu kolory farb beda piekniejsze, latwiej kontrolowac ich intensywnosc a papier nie rozmieknie.
Krok pierwszy to oczywiscie stemple - lekki balagan jest tu jak najbardziej dozwolony ;) Nie nalezy sie bac, wiekszosc i tak sie potem zakryje ;)
First prime your paper with gesso - this is needed, so that the colours will look bright and beautiful, the watercolour will be easier to control and the paper will not soak.
Step one is all about random stamping, just go with the flow! Do not worry if it doesn't look perfect, you not gonna see most of it later on;)
Czas aby zlagodzic troche szalenstwo stemplowania - ja robie to nakladajac gesso lub paste strukturalna przez maske, dzieki temu wzor zostaje czesciowo zakryty.Ewent mozna po prostu miejscowo zatrzec wzor odrobina gesso.
Time to soften/cover the stamping madness - apply some gesso or texture paste through the mask (or just brush randomly)
Po wyschnieciu dodajemy kolor. moga to byc np misty lub jak u mnie akwarele. Nakladam farbe z dosc duza iloscia wody, czesciowo wycieram nadmiar papierowym recznikiem, podsuszam - gesso naprawde duzo wybacza i farbe mozna w duzym stopniu kontrolowac. Kilka malych kropelek intensywnego koloru na brzegach kompozycji naprawde dziala cuda, kiedy calosc bedzie zmontowana ;)
Wierzcie mi, ze oczekiwanie na wyschniecie poszczegolnych etapow to jedyny irytujacy moment tego procesu, poza tym to zabawa jakich malo!
After drying - inject colour! You can use mists or watercolours. Just remember to apply considerable amount of water with the latter and have a handful of paper towels at hand. You really take no risks, you can always dab off the excess with the paper towel. The gessoed background is your best friend here, it allows you to control the colors as you wish! Make sure to splash some drops around the edges , they will really add life to the finished composition!
Believe me, the drying time is the only irritating moment in the whole thing, otherwise it's just a pure FUN!
Mam nadzieje, ze ten mini kurs Wam sie przyda;) Dziekuje goraco za kazdy komentarz!
Hope you've enjoyed it :) Thank you for your comments!
Supplies : Papierowa Galanteria, Mixed Media Place ( you'll find the links to the right)
Praca, ktora pokaze dzisiaj laczy w sobie w techniki, ktore uwielbiam... Sa stemple, maskowanie i farba akwarelowa. Byc moze brzmi jak cos skomplikowanego ale naprawde takie nie jest. Mam kilka zdjec poszczegolnych etapow pracy, zeby to udowodnic;) Moze posluzyc jako namiastka kursiku albo po prostu inspiracja, zeby sprobowac czegos podobnego!
The layout I'm sharing today incorporates all techniques that I love- stamping, masking and watercolour to name a few;) It might sound complicated but it really isn't! I have taken a few shots 'on the go' to show that, which might serve as a mini-tutorial, or maybe just a hint of an inspiration to try!
Historii rodzinnych ciag dalszy, czyli czas na kolejne zdjecie z rodzinnego archiwum. Najmlodsza z siostr na zdjeciu to babcia mojej corki ;)
Another photo from a family album. The youngest of the three sisters here is my daughter's grandma /farmor ;)
Layout wykonalam na jasnym kartonie eco (by Papierowa Galanteria) z niewielkim dodatkiem skrawkow scrapowych papierow. Pomysl na tlo przyszedl mi do glowy, kiedy popatrzylam na kawalek papieru na ktorym zwykle odbijam stemple, zeby je wyczyscic ;) Po jednym z projektow powstal kwiatowy, dosc wdzieczny collage.
My layout is based on the light eco cardstock (by Papierowa Galanteria) with just few scraps of scrapbook papers. I got this idea when I looked on the paper which I usually use to clean my stamps from excess ink after stamping. After one project I got a quite nice flowery collage on this page ;)
Watercolour & stamping background
(the photos are unfortunately not of the best quality - sorry about that, but I'm taking them with the phone and during the night)STEP 1
Karton nalezy zagruntowac gesso i poczekac az wyschnie. Dzieki temu kolory farb beda piekniejsze, latwiej kontrolowac ich intensywnosc a papier nie rozmieknie.
Krok pierwszy to oczywiscie stemple - lekki balagan jest tu jak najbardziej dozwolony ;) Nie nalezy sie bac, wiekszosc i tak sie potem zakryje ;)
First prime your paper with gesso - this is needed, so that the colours will look bright and beautiful, the watercolour will be easier to control and the paper will not soak.
Step one is all about random stamping, just go with the flow! Do not worry if it doesn't look perfect, you not gonna see most of it later on;)
Czas aby zlagodzic troche szalenstwo stemplowania - ja robie to nakladajac gesso lub paste strukturalna przez maske, dzieki temu wzor zostaje czesciowo zakryty.Ewent mozna po prostu miejscowo zatrzec wzor odrobina gesso.
Time to soften/cover the stamping madness - apply some gesso or texture paste through the mask (or just brush randomly)
Po wyschnieciu dodajemy kolor. moga to byc np misty lub jak u mnie akwarele. Nakladam farbe z dosc duza iloscia wody, czesciowo wycieram nadmiar papierowym recznikiem, podsuszam - gesso naprawde duzo wybacza i farbe mozna w duzym stopniu kontrolowac. Kilka malych kropelek intensywnego koloru na brzegach kompozycji naprawde dziala cuda, kiedy calosc bedzie zmontowana ;)
Wierzcie mi, ze oczekiwanie na wyschniecie poszczegolnych etapow to jedyny irytujacy moment tego procesu, poza tym to zabawa jakich malo!
After drying - inject colour! You can use mists or watercolours. Just remember to apply considerable amount of water with the latter and have a handful of paper towels at hand. You really take no risks, you can always dab off the excess with the paper towel. The gessoed background is your best friend here, it allows you to control the colors as you wish! Make sure to splash some drops around the edges , they will really add life to the finished composition!
Believe me, the drying time is the only irritating moment in the whole thing, otherwise it's just a pure FUN!
Let it dry and it's ready!Mam nadzieje, ze ten mini kurs Wam sie przyda;) Dziekuje goraco za kazdy komentarz!
Hope you've enjoyed it :) Thank you for your comments!
Supplies : Papierowa Galanteria, Mixed Media Place ( you'll find the links to the right)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
7 Dots Studio day - Guest Designer
Hello friends!
A long post WARNING! :) a cup of tea/coffee highly recommended !
Finally I can share a bunch of projects I've been secretely working on during last month :) I have a great pleasure and honour to be a Guest Designer this month at 7 Dots Studio!
Witajcie Kochani
Ostrzezenie - dlugi post :) polecam zaopatrzyc sie w filizanke czegos pysznego :)
Nareszcie moge zaprezentowac kilka projektow nad ktorymi pracowalam intesywnie w ostatnim miesiacu, przygotowujac moj goscinny wystep na blogu 7 Dots Studio!
I've been a faithful fan of 7 Dots Studio and the 7DS team since the brand was born and I can honestly say, 7 Dots products outnumber any of the supplies in my stash:) Especially after receiving a most generous GD pack from Tusia :)))
I'm sure you will be seing more 7 DS based projects on this blog, but for now let me share just a few of them.
Jestem wierna fanka zarowno marki jak i zalogi 7 Dots od samych poczatkow i szczerze moge powiedziec , ze produkty 7DS maja liczebna przewage w moich scrapowych materialach. Szczegolnie po tym jak otrzymalam moja tlusciutka paczke GD od Tusi :)
Jestem pewna, ze starczy tego na jeszcze sporo innych prac, tymczasem przedstawiam 4 projekty przygotowane specjalnie dla 7 Dots!
I totally adore this photo , it reminds me of the hottest day of this summer and a visit of two very special guests to Krakow ;)
The painterly character of this scene inspired me to pick 9th Wave collection and go mixed media style!
I created the watercolour background with stamping and splashes of Twinkling H2O and I added some pieces of papers to create layers, bringing forward the photo.
7 Dots Studio - 9th Wave - Deep Water
7 Dots Studio - 9th Wave - pad 6x6
7 Dots Studio - 9th Wave - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Hopefully - Stickers 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Hopefully - Love Me
Love Is In The Air is my 'collection of choice' to bring the colour in focus! I have matched two background pieces with some scraps from Domestic Goddess and
Dreamer, staying in the colour scheme.There aren't many added embellishments here. I've cut out some shapes with my Sizzix dies and basically only played with subtle shades and patterns of the 3 collections.
7 Dots Studio - Love Is In The Air - Whisper of the Tree
7 Dots Studio - Love Is In The Air - Rising of the Sun
7 Dots Studio - Dreamer - Sweet Dreams
7 Dots Studio - Domestic Goddess - Proudly Handcrafted
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - Elements 6x12
7 Dots Studio - Hopefully - Tags 12x12
The thing about 7Dots collections is that they can be so harmoniously, beautifully combined together. I've assembled this mixed media canvas using only bits and pieces which I had left from the other projects.
I think I found my all time fave product from 7DS - those genius tickets from the Messy Head Elements 12x12! Here I have used only one ticket, but it's miraculously reproduced in 3 places ;)
plus the remaining piece of the paper from the sheet where the ticket was.
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - pad 6x6
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - It's possible
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Box of Emotions
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Vanilla Buttercream
Last, but not least - this is me:) Hanging out on a late summer weekend in the beautiful city of Stockholm.
I surrounded myself with the elegant, feminine, muted tones of The Queen's Heart :)
Also here an eagle eye will spot a few accents of Messy Head, an amazingly versatile collection which fits almost everywhere!
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - For A Reason
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - It's possible
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - Way of life
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - Tags 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Chipboards
Thank you for staying all the way to the end:)
Have a great day everyone!
A long post WARNING! :) a cup of tea/coffee highly recommended !
Finally I can share a bunch of projects I've been secretely working on during last month :) I have a great pleasure and honour to be a Guest Designer this month at 7 Dots Studio!
Witajcie Kochani
Ostrzezenie - dlugi post :) polecam zaopatrzyc sie w filizanke czegos pysznego :)
Nareszcie moge zaprezentowac kilka projektow nad ktorymi pracowalam intesywnie w ostatnim miesiacu, przygotowujac moj goscinny wystep na blogu 7 Dots Studio!
I've been a faithful fan of 7 Dots Studio and the 7DS team since the brand was born and I can honestly say, 7 Dots products outnumber any of the supplies in my stash:) Especially after receiving a most generous GD pack from Tusia :)))
I'm sure you will be seing more 7 DS based projects on this blog, but for now let me share just a few of them.
Jestem wierna fanka zarowno marki jak i zalogi 7 Dots od samych poczatkow i szczerze moge powiedziec , ze produkty 7DS maja liczebna przewage w moich scrapowych materialach. Szczegolnie po tym jak otrzymalam moja tlusciutka paczke GD od Tusi :)
Jestem pewna, ze starczy tego na jeszcze sporo innych prac, tymczasem przedstawiam 4 projekty przygotowane specjalnie dla 7 Dots!
'Good times'
I totally adore this photo , it reminds me of the hottest day of this summer and a visit of two very special guests to Krakow ;)
The painterly character of this scene inspired me to pick 9th Wave collection and go mixed media style!
I created the watercolour background with stamping and splashes of Twinkling H2O and I added some pieces of papers to create layers, bringing forward the photo.
7 Dots Studio - 9th Wave - Deep Water
7 Dots Studio - 9th Wave - pad 6x6
7 Dots Studio - 9th Wave - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Hopefully - Stickers 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Hopefully - Love Me
Love Is In The Air is my 'collection of choice' to bring the colour in focus! I have matched two background pieces with some scraps from Domestic Goddess and
Dreamer, staying in the colour scheme.There aren't many added embellishments here. I've cut out some shapes with my Sizzix dies and basically only played with subtle shades and patterns of the 3 collections.
7 Dots Studio - Love Is In The Air - Whisper of the Tree
7 Dots Studio - Love Is In The Air - Rising of the Sun
7 Dots Studio - Dreamer - Sweet Dreams
7 Dots Studio - Domestic Goddess - Proudly Handcrafted
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - Elements 6x12
7 Dots Studio - Hopefully - Tags 12x12
'Fun with Grandpa'
The thing about 7Dots collections is that they can be so harmoniously, beautifully combined together. I've assembled this mixed media canvas using only bits and pieces which I had left from the other projects.
I think I found my all time fave product from 7DS - those genius tickets from the Messy Head Elements 12x12! Here I have used only one ticket, but it's miraculously reproduced in 3 places ;)
plus the remaining piece of the paper from the sheet where the ticket was.
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - pad 6x6
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - It's possible
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Box of Emotions
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Vanilla Buttercream
'Things I want to remember'
Last, but not least - this is me:) Hanging out on a late summer weekend in the beautiful city of Stockholm.
I surrounded myself with the elegant, feminine, muted tones of The Queen's Heart :)
Also here an eagle eye will spot a few accents of Messy Head, an amazingly versatile collection which fits almost everywhere!
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - For A Reason
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - It's possible
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - Way of life
7 Dots Studio - The Queen's Heart - Tags 12x12
7 Dots Studio - Messy Head - Elements 12x12
7 Dots Studio - All I Ever - Chipboards
Thank you for staying all the way to the end:)
Have a great day everyone!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
You make me happy - p.2
Hello again!
Just wanted to share a few more details about my page for our SATW moodboard challenge.
My layout features the products from 13arts, which is one of our main sponsors.
I've used papers as the background and mists to add colour and create matting under the photo. It's just a piece of white watercolour paper which I embossed with embossing folder, misted with different colours of mists and cut in stripes. I have arranged the stripes under the photo, to make an irregular, multilayered frame.
Thanks for looking! Come play with us at SATW :)
Just wanted to share a few more details about my page for our SATW moodboard challenge.
My layout features the products from 13arts, which is one of our main sponsors.
I've used papers as the background and mists to add colour and create matting under the photo. It's just a piece of white watercolour paper which I embossed with embossing folder, misted with different colours of mists and cut in stripes. I have arranged the stripes under the photo, to make an irregular, multilayered frame.
Thanks for looking! Come play with us at SATW :)
Friday, November 1, 2013
You make me happy - SATW mood board November
Welcome back to Scrap Around The World Challenge SEVEN,
hosted by Design Team member Leonie Neal-Dawson from Australia!
We have some SUPER AWESOME prizes for you this month & we are SURE
you will ALL want to play along for a chance to snag some of them!
Feel free to interpret Leonie's mood board in any way you like, using one image, several of them,
all of them or even just one aspect of an image, using ANY COLOURS! Our sketch is OPTIONAL!!
Please let us know HOW YOU WERE INSPIRED!!
To be eligible for judging please include in your blog post:-
1) Our mood board image.{you may show the sketch image but ONLY IF YOU USE IT}
2) Our name "Scrap Around The World" & a LINK BACK to this current challenge.
Please link to YOUR BLOG POST NOT your entire blog & please turn off word-verification
if you would like some of our Design Team members to comment on your entry}.
My inspiration came from the colour palette and the scattered elements of picture #1 and #5. Please come back tomorrow for some close ups and techniques.
I used papers and mists from our sponsor 13arts :-
Imaginarium Designs was created in late 2010 in Adelaide, Australia, as we saw
a need for some unique designs in the industry. Chipboard is such an amazing
medium to work with...perfect for scrapbook pages, projects, cards & so much more!
Our designers are everyday scrapbookers & cardmakers who work in the
Papercrafts industry and design chipboard specifically for everyday projects.
We make sure every design is perfect & fits pages & cards just as it should!
We design & produce chipboard daily & pride ourselves in custom service & unique
designs - nothing is too small or too hard! Our incredibly talented Design Team is full
of awesome local & international talent & we cant wait for you to see our designs!
Just click above to be directed to our website.
a need for some unique designs in the industry. Chipboard is such an amazing
medium to work with...perfect for scrapbook pages, projects, cards & so much more!
Our designers are everyday scrapbookers & cardmakers who work in the
Papercrafts industry and design chipboard specifically for everyday projects.
We make sure every design is perfect & fits pages & cards just as it should!
We design & produce chipboard daily & pride ourselves in custom service & unique
designs - nothing is too small or too hard! Our incredibly talented Design Team is full
of awesome local & international talent & we cant wait for you to see our designs!
Just click above to be directed to our website.
2 Crafty offers affordable & versatile laser cut chipboard products to the Australian & International Craft market. 2 Crafty’s products are manufactured in Australia & are suitable for scrapbooking, cardmaking, altered art, invitations & mixed media. With over 700 designs every area has been covered!
2 Crafty’s owner Vanessa stumbled upon a demonstration of a laser-cutter at a Sydney craft fair in 2006 &, although her background was Human Resources & Payroll her creative mind recognised unlimited possibilities!
So began her journey into the world of craft wholesaling!!
Vanessa provides the highest level of customer support & is happy to discuss personalized orders with customers via their local scrapbooking store. 2 Crafty has a fabulous blog & Facebook page updated weekly with projects created by it's international Design Team. Check out the 2 Crafty website for products available to wholesalers & ask your local store to order products for you if they don't have them in stock.
3RD PRIZE - Scrapmatts Chipboard valued at $25!
Australian Made Laser Cut Chipboard to compliment your scrapbook pages, cards & paper-crafting projects. Scrapmatts has a Ning site that showcases an amazing talented international design team who post daily
on the blog there, a gallery, customer challenges & an online store. Come join in the fun here!
on the blog there, a gallery, customer challenges & an online store. Come join in the fun here!

Australian based & specialize in fabric buttons, handmade flowers,resin, twine & washi tape.
They have a great blog that is constantly active & they hold monthly challenges open to all, with
Guest Designer positions up for grabs as well as awesome prizes of Purple Pumpkin loveliness!
5th Prize - Assorted Prima blooms and embellies donated by Design Team member
Eila Sandberg - to be eligible for these you must first be a Follower of
her blog so please follow the link & sign up - you won't be disappointed!
Eila Sandberg - to be eligible for these you must first be a Follower of
her blog so please follow the link & sign up - you won't be disappointed!
Eila is one uber-talented scrapbooker who also has a well-earned reputation
for being one of the sweetest & kindest people in the business & is loved
by all for her encouragement & giving heart.
Random Prize - This amazing Prize Pack from Bo Bunny!!!
The story of BoBunny Press began with a young girl named Jan Lanoy.
She was raised in the Ozark area of Arkansas, then headed west to study art in college.
In 1974, she married Don & packed away her paint box while she raised three sons.
As the family moved from Arkansas to Texas to Taiwan & then to Utah,
Jan satisfied her creative side by restoring houses.
Her children claim she can do anything with a drill & hammer!
That old paint box wasn't reopened until 1996 when, at the urging of her sister,
Jan started designing scrapbook papers. She still vividly remember standing
outside a local craft store in Layton, Utah, terrified to show off her first 2 designs.
Jan started designing scrapbook papers. She still vividly remember standing
outside a local craft store in Layton, Utah, terrified to show off her first 2 designs.
Now, 16 years later, BoBunny Press is an industry leader with its innovative paper
& embellishment lines. Starting with 2 designs in a single store, BoBunny products
can now be found in over 39 countries around the world.
& embellishment lines. Starting with 2 designs in a single store, BoBunny products
can now be found in over 39 countries around the world.
Long a favorite of card makers and scrapbookers, BoBunny papers, stickers,
albums, brads, buttons, trinkets, jewels, ribbons, stamps & kits are always
hot topics on consumer message boards.
Each item still carries Jan's personal attention to detail and colour, but she's no
longer doing it all on her own. Her team of graphic designers, each with different styles
& expertise, help to create the variety of product lines that BoBunny is known for.
Whether your taste is whimsical, elegant, classic or playful, there's something
for everyone with BoBunny.
albums, brads, buttons, trinkets, jewels, ribbons, stamps & kits are always
hot topics on consumer message boards.
Each item still carries Jan's personal attention to detail and colour, but she's no
longer doing it all on her own. Her team of graphic designers, each with different styles
& expertise, help to create the variety of product lines that BoBunny is known for.
Whether your taste is whimsical, elegant, classic or playful, there's something
for everyone with BoBunny.
The deadline for this challenge is Saturday 30th November 2013.
Please take a moment to leave us some FEEDBACK on our REVEAL & some love for our designers,
who contribute their time & expertise free of charge to provide this varied inspiration to you.
who contribute their time & expertise free of charge to provide this varied inspiration to you.
Share your valuable thoughts with us!!
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