Chcialabym moc pokazac Wam cos nowego, ale swieta minely mi w podrozy i dopiero co zawitalam z powrotem do domu :)
Nowe przyjdzie wiec, mam nadzieje, za kilka dni.
Rok 2012 zakonczyl sie dla mnie bardzo przyjemnym akcentem- zostalam gosciem miesiaca na rosyjskim blogu scrapowym Marka Decor, gdzie udzielilam z tej okazji wywiadu :)
Na blogu znajdziecie mnostwo inspiracji i fajnych pomyslow, zajrzyjcie tam koniecznie.Sama przegladalam go z ciekawoscia, choc bylo to nie lada wyzwanie, biorac pod uwage moj baaaardzo zakurzony rosyjski;)
A tutaj kilka slow o mnie i przeglad niektorych prac, glownie z ostatniego roku :)
Na 2013 zycze Wam i sobie, wielu milych i inspirujacych spotkan w blogowym swiecie :*
Hello there!
I wish I could show you something new today, but no such luck...I've been travelling during Christmas and has just arrived home. The new will hopefully come in few days:)
I'm ending 2012 with a fantastic experience - I've been honoured to be a Guest of the Month at Marka Decor - a russian scrapbooking blog.
Check it out ! I've seen a lot of talent, inspiration and read great tips from the members, even if it was a great challenge for my, very, very rusty, Russian ;)
In this post you'll find my interview and a walk through some of my past projects :)
For 2013, I'm wishing you and myself lots of inspiring and pleasant meetings in the blog space :*
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
CSI #51 Memories canvas
Witajcie w tej przedswiatecznej goraczce!
Dzis postaram sie szybciutko, bo czeka mnie dzis mnostwo zajec.
Pod choinka moich rodzicow znajdzie sie taki projekt na plotnie, w ktorym wykorzystalam ich slubne zdjecie. Inpiracja do tej pracy jest wyzwanie CSI#51
Hello my Friends:)
Today I have another canvas based project to share, which my parents will soon find under the christmas tree - I framed their wedding photo :) That's how I solved the wintery case file CSI#51
Tlem tej pracy jest koronkowa firanka, ktora pokolorowalam glimmer mistami i ozdobilam pasta strukturalna przez maski. Na brzegu plotna umiescilam sniezynki z wykrojnika brzegowego TH. Jako journaling wykorzystalam tekst piosenki Skaldow:)
Duze kwiaty wykonalam sama z szyfonu, plotna i koronki.
This work is based on canvas, decorated with the piece of lace curtain, generously misted with glimmer mists. There is some stencils too with the white texture paste. On the edge the snowflakes from the TH edge die.
The large flowers I made myself. On Ms_liberty's blog I saw once absolutely gorgeous shabby roses! There was no tutorial - to my great despair:) but they inspired me to try to make this large rose combining lace and canvas.
Oto zimowa inspiracja case file #51 CSI
Evidence: snowflakes, texture paste, filigree (laces,curtain), something shiny (pearls)
Testimony: add rhinestones to your journaling. I didn't make 6 words memoir, but I divided my journaling into 6 lines:)
Thanks for stopping by!
I think that's my last post entry in 2012 - for me this year ends with the most fantastic achievement, a winning entry for Prima's November PPP :):):)
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a glamour entry into 2013 :*
Dzis postaram sie szybciutko, bo czeka mnie dzis mnostwo zajec.
Pod choinka moich rodzicow znajdzie sie taki projekt na plotnie, w ktorym wykorzystalam ich slubne zdjecie. Inpiracja do tej pracy jest wyzwanie CSI#51
Hello my Friends:)
Today I have another canvas based project to share, which my parents will soon find under the christmas tree - I framed their wedding photo :) That's how I solved the wintery case file CSI#51
Duze kwiaty wykonalam sama z szyfonu, plotna i koronki.
This work is based on canvas, decorated with the piece of lace curtain, generously misted with glimmer mists. There is some stencils too with the white texture paste. On the edge the snowflakes from the TH edge die.
The large flowers I made myself. On Ms_liberty's blog I saw once absolutely gorgeous shabby roses! There was no tutorial - to my great despair:) but they inspired me to try to make this large rose combining lace and canvas.
Oto zimowa inspiracja case file #51 CSI
Evidence: snowflakes, texture paste, filigree (laces,curtain), something shiny (pearls)
Testimony: add rhinestones to your journaling. I didn't make 6 words memoir, but I divided my journaling into 6 lines:)
Thanks for stopping by!
I think that's my last post entry in 2012 - for me this year ends with the most fantastic achievement, a winning entry for Prima's November PPP :):):)
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a glamour entry into 2013 :*
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Swiateczne torebki
Pomysl na nie przyszedl mi do glowy podczas pracy nad ostatnim scrapem i zabawy stemplami 3rd Eye. Tutaj tez wykorzystalam stemple tej marki - dziurka od klucza udaje tym razem szyld, a lisc - poinsecje :)
As you can see, I've had a productive crafting weekend and I have one more small thing to share - small present bags. I used ready plain eco bags and added some embellishments to create a custom design. The idea came along as I worked on my previous project with 3rd Eye stamps. I also used them here, the keyhole stamp pretending to be an ornamental label and the leave stamp becomes a poinsettia :)
Do zrobienia poinsetii uzylam 15 stemplowanych listkow, ktore wycielam z papieru nozyczkami z karbowanym ostrzem. Liscie srodkowego kwiatka sa nieco mniejsze.
Poinsettias are made of 15 stamped leaves each. I've cut them out from a coloured paper with the decorative edge scissors, the 5 in the middle flower are slightly smaller than the others.
Torebki mienia sie pieknie gdyz poinsecje sa wytuszowane i pociagniete na brzegach perfect pearls- perlowym (niebieska) i zlotym (czerwona). Tego efektu jednak przy tej pogodzie nie moglam w zaden sposob uchwycic na zdjeciu...
3rd Eye stamps : TES-026 Leave, TES-028 Keyhole.
Eko torebki - prezent od Mikolajki - Justi , ktora zawsze, ale to zawsze bezblednie wie, co mi sie przyda :*
Pozdrawiam Was cieplutko!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Beautiful Moments
Wczorajszy baaardzo dlugi i pozny wieczor uplynal mi na pracy nad ponizszym LO. Rzadko oprawiam wlasne zdjecia, ale to akurat bardzo lubie i postanowilam znow wykorzystac je w pracy:)
Praca to moja interpretacja mapkowego wyzwania na blogu 3rd Eye. Mapkowe wyzwania bardzo lubie, stempelki 3rd Eye tez - nie moglam ominac tej okazji do zabawy;)
Yesterday evening (a very late one) I spent working on the project below. I seldom use my own photos in my works, but this particular one I really like - it's from my pregnancy times:)
This LO is my take on the sketch challenge at 3rd Eye blog . A perfect combination for me- a sketch challenge with the 3rd Eye stamps - I could not resist :)))
A oto rzeczona mapka
Uzylam 3 wzorow stempli :
The stamps I used here :
TES 027 Key
TES 028 Keyhole
TES 036 Baroque border
Stempel dziurke od klucza odbilam na innym papierze, dodalam troche chropowatych proszkow do embossingu (bialy i zielona patyna) , nastepnie przecielam na pol i zastosowalam jako mini zawiasy :) A barokowy border przecieralam z tuszu przed odbiciem, aby wzor byl nieregularny.
The keyhole design I stamped on a separate paper, cut out and then cut in half - that's the four corner pieces, looking like the hinges now :) The border stamp I'd wipe from ink before each stamping, to get this irregular image .
Papier w tle pochodzi z kolekcji Wonderland. Urozmaicilam go kawalkami tasmy tissue tape i stemplami.
Kwiaty - Prima.
Background- Queen of hearts by 7 Dots studio.
Flowers- Bel canto Prima
Dziekuje za wizyte i mam nadzieje, ze przylaczycie sie do mapkowo-stemplowej zabawy na blogu 3rd Eye!
Thanks for stopping by, have a good one!
Praca to moja interpretacja mapkowego wyzwania na blogu 3rd Eye. Mapkowe wyzwania bardzo lubie, stempelki 3rd Eye tez - nie moglam ominac tej okazji do zabawy;)
Yesterday evening (a very late one) I spent working on the project below. I seldom use my own photos in my works, but this particular one I really like - it's from my pregnancy times:)
This LO is my take on the sketch challenge at 3rd Eye blog . A perfect combination for me- a sketch challenge with the 3rd Eye stamps - I could not resist :)))

Uzylam 3 wzorow stempli :
The stamps I used here :
TES 027 Key
TES 028 Keyhole
TES 036 Baroque border
Stempel dziurke od klucza odbilam na innym papierze, dodalam troche chropowatych proszkow do embossingu (bialy i zielona patyna) , nastepnie przecielam na pol i zastosowalam jako mini zawiasy :) A barokowy border przecieralam z tuszu przed odbiciem, aby wzor byl nieregularny.
The keyhole design I stamped on a separate paper, cut out and then cut in half - that's the four corner pieces, looking like the hinges now :) The border stamp I'd wipe from ink before each stamping, to get this irregular image .
Papier w tle pochodzi z kolekcji Wonderland. Urozmaicilam go kawalkami tasmy tissue tape i stemplami.
Kwiaty - Prima.
Background- Queen of hearts by 7 Dots studio.
Flowers- Bel canto Prima
Dziekuje za wizyte i mam nadzieje, ze przylaczycie sie do mapkowo-stemplowej zabawy na blogu 3rd Eye!
Thanks for stopping by, have a good one!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Swiateczne ozdoby / Winter holiday deco
Dziewczyny z Craft4you w wyzwaniu #15 inspiruja nas do wykonywania swiatecznych ozdob.
Moim pomyslem na taka ozdobe jest malutki blejtram 15x15 cm o zimowo-swiatecznej tematyce.
Na poczatek ozdoba, ktora zagoscila w pokoju mojej corki:
The girls from DT Craft4you are inspiring us to make a holiday decoration as an entry for their current challenge #15. I made some small winter theme canvas (15x15 cm) . To start with, the one for my daughter:
Produkty ze sklepu C4Y uzyte w tej pracy / Supplies from C4Y:
Papiery Pink Paislee London Market
Papier MF Attic Treasures
Dziurkacz MS Around the page Vintage Doily
A oto drugi blejtram, ten jest duzo bardziej mix-mediowy :)
Zglaszam go na wyzwanie Girlie Grunge Challenge
The second project is also a 15x15 cm canvas, this one with even more mixed media touch :)
My entry for Girlie Grunge Challenge
A close up to show Donna Salazar products I used here:
Spellbinders Rose Creations ( I used the die to make the chiffon roses, the same technique I described in my previous post)
Spellbinders Girlie Grunge Labels
When it was dry, I took a large stencil to add some more texture (to be specific it's a snowflake from Tattered Angels) . I applied a random layer of modelling paste acroos it.
The branches are my recent discovery, as you can see I'm quite fond of them, sticking them around:)
That's Spellbinders Cherry Blossom die from the Cropstop.
Thanks for stopping by and so many inspiring words in your comments!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Zimowa ksiezniczka / Winter princess
Witajcie :)
Dzisiaj tez bedzie zimowo...Moja wlasna, osobista Mama (oczywiscie w czasach mlodosci) w roli zimowej ksiezniczki :)
Pamietam jeszcze z mojego dziecinstwa , ze to jej zdjecie zawsze mnie zachwycalo. Wlasnie dlatego - bylam przekonana, ze jest zimowa ksiezniczka. Ta prace zglaszam na wyzwanie grudniowe OUAS ' It's December'
Hello, hello!
I'm staying in a winter mood...today you'll meet my Mom again ,this time as a winter princess :)
This is my take on the December challenge at OUAS and how I interpreted 'It's December..'
Zimowy klimat tworzy u mnie przede wszystkim baza, jeden w papierow Tilda Winter Memories. Zeby bylo jeszcze bardziej snieznie, dodalam biale media, czyli ukochane gesso oraz paste modelujaca wraz z maska Prima.
Kwiaty zrobilam z tkaniny, kawalka przezroczystej zaslony-panelu.Wycielam kilka kwiatkow roznej wielkosci i pomeczylam je nagrzewnica, dopoki brzegi nie zaczely sie marszczyc pod wplywem ciepla. Platki polaczylam perlowymi cwiekami. Mniejszy kwiat jest delikatnie zabarwiony glimmer mistem.
Filigranowa brama pochodzi z www.scrapdesirs.com, zajrzyjcie tam jesli szukacie ciekawych chipboardow.
Na zakonczenie podziele sie z Wami wspaniala wiadomoscia- w listopadzie moj LO Family Stories zajal 3cie miejsce na blogu OUAS :))))
Dziekuje za odwiedziny, pozdrawiam Was cieplutko!
To create a winter feeling , I used a paper from Tilda's Winter Memories collection as a base and added some 'snow' - that's a Prima mask, used with modelling paste and gesso.
The roses are made from a thin chiffon-like fabric (I think it was a piece of a sheer curtain from IKEA before it met my scissors)
I've cut the flowers out, using Spellbinders/D.Salazar Rose Creation die. I took few flowers in 3 sizes and treated them with a hot air from the embossing tool, until the edges started to curl. Then I just pinned them together with a pearl brad.
This beautiful chipboard gate is from www.scrapdesirs.com
PS. I also have a wonderful thing to share - in November, my LO Family stories came 3rd in tehe OUAS challenge :)))) How awesome!
Dzisiaj tez bedzie zimowo...Moja wlasna, osobista Mama (oczywiscie w czasach mlodosci) w roli zimowej ksiezniczki :)
Pamietam jeszcze z mojego dziecinstwa , ze to jej zdjecie zawsze mnie zachwycalo. Wlasnie dlatego - bylam przekonana, ze jest zimowa ksiezniczka. Ta prace zglaszam na wyzwanie grudniowe OUAS ' It's December'
Hello, hello!
I'm staying in a winter mood...today you'll meet my Mom again ,this time as a winter princess :)
This is my take on the December challenge at OUAS and how I interpreted 'It's December..'
Zimowy klimat tworzy u mnie przede wszystkim baza, jeden w papierow Tilda Winter Memories. Zeby bylo jeszcze bardziej snieznie, dodalam biale media, czyli ukochane gesso oraz paste modelujaca wraz z maska Prima.
Kwiaty zrobilam z tkaniny, kawalka przezroczystej zaslony-panelu.Wycielam kilka kwiatkow roznej wielkosci i pomeczylam je nagrzewnica, dopoki brzegi nie zaczely sie marszczyc pod wplywem ciepla. Platki polaczylam perlowymi cwiekami. Mniejszy kwiat jest delikatnie zabarwiony glimmer mistem.
Filigranowa brama pochodzi z www.scrapdesirs.com, zajrzyjcie tam jesli szukacie ciekawych chipboardow.
Na zakonczenie podziele sie z Wami wspaniala wiadomoscia- w listopadzie moj LO Family Stories zajal 3cie miejsce na blogu OUAS :))))
Dziekuje za odwiedziny, pozdrawiam Was cieplutko!
To create a winter feeling , I used a paper from Tilda's Winter Memories collection as a base and added some 'snow' - that's a Prima mask, used with modelling paste and gesso.
The roses are made from a thin chiffon-like fabric (I think it was a piece of a sheer curtain from IKEA before it met my scissors)
I've cut the flowers out, using Spellbinders/D.Salazar Rose Creation die. I took few flowers in 3 sizes and treated them with a hot air from the embossing tool, until the edges started to curl. Then I just pinned them together with a pearl brad.
This beautiful chipboard gate is from www.scrapdesirs.com
PS. I also have a wonderful thing to share - in November, my LO Family stories came 3rd in tehe OUAS challenge :)))) How awesome!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Dear Santa, I can explain...
Witajcie w ten naprawde zimowy dzien!
Skoro pojawil sie snieg, odzyla i u mnie chwilowo chec produkcji ozdob swiatecznych.
Moja kreatywnosc tym razem udala sie chyba w troche dziksze rejony :)
Zaczelo sie od tego, ze chcialam zrobic bombke (podobna do tych shabby) tyle , ze w bogatych swiatecznych kolorach - zloto, czerwien...
Chcialo mi sie pomediowac... Gdzies po drodze wpadl mi do glowy ten zartobliwy cytat ...wiem , ze rzucil mi sie w oko w ktoryms ze swiatecznych zestawow stempli .
A potem to juz przestalam panowac nad ta bombka ;) Mysle, ze udalo mi sie zastosowac tu wszystkie metaliczne blyszczace media jakie mam :)
With the first snow this winter, a need to make another Christmas decoration came upon me again :)
Could be my creativity took a walk on the wild side ... it all started with an idea to bring in the traditional Christmas colours , red, gold - you know.Then this funny quote came somehow to my mind, I remember seeing it somewhere in a stamp set. After that, somehow it danced its own way I guess:)
Przepraszam za jakosc zdjec, robione byly w ostatniej chwili w nocy. Bombka ma juz nowa wlascicielke, wiec jest poza zasiegiem mojego aparatu :)
I know the photos are bad, sorry for that, but it's dark here in Sweden most of the time when I have a chance to take the photos. Besides this little thing has been just given to her new owner :)
Pozdrawiam Was cieplo :)
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Skoro pojawil sie snieg, odzyla i u mnie chwilowo chec produkcji ozdob swiatecznych.
Moja kreatywnosc tym razem udala sie chyba w troche dziksze rejony :)
Zaczelo sie od tego, ze chcialam zrobic bombke (podobna do tych shabby) tyle , ze w bogatych swiatecznych kolorach - zloto, czerwien...
Chcialo mi sie pomediowac... Gdzies po drodze wpadl mi do glowy ten zartobliwy cytat ...wiem , ze rzucil mi sie w oko w ktoryms ze swiatecznych zestawow stempli .
A potem to juz przestalam panowac nad ta bombka ;) Mysle, ze udalo mi sie zastosowac tu wszystkie metaliczne blyszczace media jakie mam :)
With the first snow this winter, a need to make another Christmas decoration came upon me again :)
Could be my creativity took a walk on the wild side ... it all started with an idea to bring in the traditional Christmas colours , red, gold - you know.Then this funny quote came somehow to my mind, I remember seeing it somewhere in a stamp set. After that, somehow it danced its own way I guess:)
Przepraszam za jakosc zdjec, robione byly w ostatniej chwili w nocy. Bombka ma juz nowa wlascicielke, wiec jest poza zasiegiem mojego aparatu :)
I know the photos are bad, sorry for that, but it's dark here in Sweden most of the time when I have a chance to take the photos. Besides this little thing has been just given to her new owner :)
Pozdrawiam Was cieplo :)
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Friday, November 30, 2012
October snapshot CSI # 47
Witajcie :)
Post o tej porze moze oznaczac tylko jedno...pobyt w domu tzn chorobe. Cale szczescie, ze czlowiek ma choc sile na krotkie blogowanie :)
Na chwile wracam do wietrznego slonecznego popoludnia w pazdzierniku. Ten wlasnie moment oscrapowalam rozwiazujac sprawe CSI#47
Scrap mial byc taki troche balaganiarski ale z nuta romantyzmu :)
Zdjecie zrobilam Julii podczas wizyty w domku letnim moich tesciow nad morzem na wyspie Öland, na dzikiej plazy przed domem. Miejsce jest moim zdaniem urzekajace i sceneria zachwyca mnie niezmiennie, bez wzgledu na pogode i pore roku - kolory, swiatlo...
Hello friends!
Hope you are all fine and sound...
Today I'm taking you through case file CSI#47 to one sunny , windy October afternoon.
We were visiting my in-laws in their summer house on Öland island. The little wild beach just outside their house is my favourite photo spot. The scenery never fails to amaze me, the colours and light are so beautiful, at any time of the year. Just different...
A oto case file #47
Dziekuje za odwiedziny i Wasze komentarze! Niech zdrowie Wam dopisuje o tej kaprysnej porze roku...
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a word, it warms my heart! Have a great crafty weekend :)
Post o tej porze moze oznaczac tylko jedno...pobyt w domu tzn chorobe. Cale szczescie, ze czlowiek ma choc sile na krotkie blogowanie :)
Na chwile wracam do wietrznego slonecznego popoludnia w pazdzierniku. Ten wlasnie moment oscrapowalam rozwiazujac sprawe CSI#47
Scrap mial byc taki troche balaganiarski ale z nuta romantyzmu :)
Zdjecie zrobilam Julii podczas wizyty w domku letnim moich tesciow nad morzem na wyspie Öland, na dzikiej plazy przed domem. Miejsce jest moim zdaniem urzekajace i sceneria zachwyca mnie niezmiennie, bez wzgledu na pogode i pore roku - kolory, swiatlo...
Hello friends!
Hope you are all fine and sound...
Today I'm taking you through case file CSI#47 to one sunny , windy October afternoon.
We were visiting my in-laws in their summer house on Öland island. The little wild beach just outside their house is my favourite photo spot. The scenery never fails to amaze me, the colours and light are so beautiful, at any time of the year. Just different...
Dziekuje za odwiedziny i Wasze komentarze! Niech zdrowie Wam dopisuje o tej kaprysnej porze roku...
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a word, it warms my heart! Have a great crafty weekend :)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Zimowo z LGS # 41
Po jesieni bedzie teraz bardzo zimowo, gdyz wraz z DT Let's Get Shabby zapraszam Was cieplo na swiateczne wyzwanie ! Jest sporo czasu wiec na pewno zdazycie, a warunki wyzwania daja dosc duza dowolnosc, gdyz mozecie sobie wybrac jedno z 3 poprzednich wyzwan :) Przylaczcie sie do zabawy!
Moja inspiracja to ozdoba swiateczna. Dawno temu (w czasach kiedy zajmowalam sie malowaniem na szkle) kupilam w sklepie hobbystycznym przezroczyste szklane bombki do samodzielnego ozdabiania. Bombek nigdy nie pomalowalam ale z radoscia odnalazlam je teraz w czelusciach mojego podrecznego magazynku. Te akurat sa splaszczone wiec idealnie sie je ozdabia.
Bombki ozdobilam w stylu shabby i mysle, ze beda milym upominkiem swiatecznym dla moich przyjaciolek- mam zamiar zrobic ich jeszcze kilka ;)
Hello Dear Friends!
Today I have a winter project to share - together with other Let's Get Shabby designers, I'd like to invite you to play with us and join our Christmas challenge!
My inspiration for you is a Christmas shabby decoration.
I used plain transparent glass baubles, which you can get in a hobby store. The ones I have here are a bit flat, ideal for decorating!
Bombki okleilam najpierw kawalkami papieru (papier ksiazkowy oraz cienki bibulkowy) uzywajac kleju Glue n Seal Rangera. Po podsuszeniu pomalowalam calosc nieregularna warstwa gesso i na mokre gesso przykleilam kawalki koronki (widac to na rewersie bombki)
Tak przygotowana powierzchnie mozna idealnie ozdabiacm -do przymocowywania ozdob uzywam najczesciej kleju z pistoletu glue gun.
I covered the baubles with pieces of paper (newspaper, tissue paper, even paper napkins would work best - just go for any thin paper). I adhered mine with Ranger's Glue n Seal. Once dried, I covered them with a thin layer of gesso and in some places I added pieces of white lace - you can see it best on the last photo which is the back.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you playing at LGS :)
PS. A jesli ktos ma ochote na taka zimowa aranzacje zdjec, to mozna ja szybciutko zrobic na stronie www.picmonkey.com :)
Po jesieni bedzie teraz bardzo zimowo, gdyz wraz z DT Let's Get Shabby zapraszam Was cieplo na swiateczne wyzwanie ! Jest sporo czasu wiec na pewno zdazycie, a warunki wyzwania daja dosc duza dowolnosc, gdyz mozecie sobie wybrac jedno z 3 poprzednich wyzwan :) Przylaczcie sie do zabawy!
Moja inspiracja to ozdoba swiateczna. Dawno temu (w czasach kiedy zajmowalam sie malowaniem na szkle) kupilam w sklepie hobbystycznym przezroczyste szklane bombki do samodzielnego ozdabiania. Bombek nigdy nie pomalowalam ale z radoscia odnalazlam je teraz w czelusciach mojego podrecznego magazynku. Te akurat sa splaszczone wiec idealnie sie je ozdabia.
Bombki ozdobilam w stylu shabby i mysle, ze beda milym upominkiem swiatecznym dla moich przyjaciolek- mam zamiar zrobic ich jeszcze kilka ;)
Hello Dear Friends!
Today I have a winter project to share - together with other Let's Get Shabby designers, I'd like to invite you to play with us and join our Christmas challenge!
My inspiration for you is a Christmas shabby decoration.
I used plain transparent glass baubles, which you can get in a hobby store. The ones I have here are a bit flat, ideal for decorating!
Bombki okleilam najpierw kawalkami papieru (papier ksiazkowy oraz cienki bibulkowy) uzywajac kleju Glue n Seal Rangera. Po podsuszeniu pomalowalam calosc nieregularna warstwa gesso i na mokre gesso przykleilam kawalki koronki (widac to na rewersie bombki)
Tak przygotowana powierzchnie mozna idealnie ozdabiacm -do przymocowywania ozdob uzywam najczesciej kleju z pistoletu glue gun.
I covered the baubles with pieces of paper (newspaper, tissue paper, even paper napkins would work best - just go for any thin paper). I adhered mine with Ranger's Glue n Seal. Once dried, I covered them with a thin layer of gesso and in some places I added pieces of white lace - you can see it best on the last photo which is the back.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you playing at LGS :)
PS. A jesli ktos ma ochote na taka zimowa aranzacje zdjec, to mozna ja szybciutko zrobic na stronie www.picmonkey.com :)
Friday, November 23, 2012
A perfect day
Witajcie Babeczki!
Dzisiaj praca zainspirowana jesienna paleta Prima, ktorej nie sposob bylo sie oprzec! Idealna do oprawy zdjec z naszego ostatniego zloto-jesiennego spaceru.
Hello hello...
Today I have an autumn inspired project here. I based it on Prima supplies and an amazing Prima Palette, which you'll find below.It's just like this day - our last golden autumn walk in the park...
A oto inspiracja Prima
Tlem tej pracy jest jeden z papierow Prima, z zestawu Script. Lubie takie stonowane, dyskretne papiery, ktorym mozna dodac cos od siebie-w tym przypadku dopasowalam je do palety kolorystycznej stosujac maske oraz heavy gel. Wyschnieta powierzchnie potraktowalam kolorem - w tej roli glimmer misty oraz distress stain. Czesc roztarlam, a czesc wysuszylam od razu nagrzewnica do embossingu, zeby uzyskac efekt intensywnych plam.
Pozostale dodatki to powycinane elementy, ktore pochodza z roznych papierow Prima (Printery, Romantique oraz Romance Novel)
Pozdrawiam Was cieplo i ogromnie dziekuje za wszystkie cieple slowa w komentarzach :*
Thank you so much for all the kind words passed on through your comments!
Dzisiaj praca zainspirowana jesienna paleta Prima, ktorej nie sposob bylo sie oprzec! Idealna do oprawy zdjec z naszego ostatniego zloto-jesiennego spaceru.
Hello hello...
Today I have an autumn inspired project here. I based it on Prima supplies and an amazing Prima Palette, which you'll find below.It's just like this day - our last golden autumn walk in the park...
A oto inspiracja Prima
Tlem tej pracy jest jeden z papierow Prima, z zestawu Script. Lubie takie stonowane, dyskretne papiery, ktorym mozna dodac cos od siebie-w tym przypadku dopasowalam je do palety kolorystycznej stosujac maske oraz heavy gel. Wyschnieta powierzchnie potraktowalam kolorem - w tej roli glimmer misty oraz distress stain. Czesc roztarlam, a czesc wysuszylam od razu nagrzewnica do embossingu, zeby uzyskac efekt intensywnych plam.
Pozostale dodatki to powycinane elementy, ktore pochodza z roznych papierow Prima (Printery, Romantique oraz Romance Novel)
This LO is based on one of the sheets from the Script pad. I like papers like these, where you can add your personal touch using stamps or some media. This time I introduced the colour scheme to my otherwise discreet and monochromatic background, by using one of the Prima masks, heavy transparent gel , glimmer mists and distress stain.
The leaves are cut out from Romantique paper, the frame from Printery and the rest from Romance Novel paper pad.
Pozdrawiam Was cieplo i ogromnie dziekuje za wszystkie cieple slowa w komentarzach :*
Thank you so much for all the kind words passed on through your comments!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Family stories
Byc moze juz Was znudzila ta moja rodzinna historia, bo to zdjecie scrapowalam juz wczesniej ;)
Ale tak sie sklada, ze zdjec ze wczesnego dziecinstwa mam bardzo bardzo niewiele, a to akurat pasuje idealnie do prac w stylu vintage.
LO wykonalam wg fantastycznego listopadowego szkicu OUAS.
Hello there!
Perhaps I have bored you already with this family story ... truth is, I have very very few photos from my childhood and I really love this one, which is my favourite for the vintage projects :) This photo features my Mom and me :)
This LO is my take on the November challenge at OUAS
Journalling (few words about our family) is hidden on a little tag behind the photo.
Wykorzystalam papier Glitz French Kiss jak tlo, a dodatkowo urozmaicilam go mediami- w kolejnosci mniej wiecej takiej:
-embossing zlotym pudrem na ciemnym tuszu (nie mam wprawdzie stempla z damaskiem ale wykorzystalam maske CW i tusz distress black soot)
-stempel TH ze wzorem rombow - odbilam go juz na embossingu, niezbyt mocno przyciskajac stempel, wiec wzor odbil sie nieregularnie- oczywiscie dokladnie o taki efekt mi chodzilo :)
-kawalki tasmy tissue tape
-plamki czarnej farby i glimmer mistow
I used Glitz French Kiss paper as a background and I've treated it with some media :)
-embossing with gold pulver on a dark ink (I used Crafters Workshop Damask Mask instead of the stamp and distress ink black soot)
-TH stamp with the Diamonds, applied on the embossed areas, with a gentle press to get this irregular distressed effect
-few bits of tissue tape
-splashes of black paint and gllimmer mists
Na koniec chcialam Wam jeszcze przypomniec o konczacym sie wyzwaniu na blogu LGS - sa jeszcze 2 dni, moze zdazycie? Wyzwanie jest niesamowicie przyjemne, to zabawa z kolorami :)
To end with, I wanted to remind you that this month challenge at LGS is almost due-perhaps you will still manage to deliver your project? It's increadibly pleasant and easy- play with the pastel colours!
Byc moze juz Was znudzila ta moja rodzinna historia, bo to zdjecie scrapowalam juz wczesniej ;)
Ale tak sie sklada, ze zdjec ze wczesnego dziecinstwa mam bardzo bardzo niewiele, a to akurat pasuje idealnie do prac w stylu vintage.
LO wykonalam wg fantastycznego listopadowego szkicu OUAS.
Hello there!
Perhaps I have bored you already with this family story ... truth is, I have very very few photos from my childhood and I really love this one, which is my favourite for the vintage projects :) This photo features my Mom and me :)
This LO is my take on the November challenge at OUAS
Journalling (few words about our family) is hidden on a little tag behind the photo.
Wykorzystalam papier Glitz French Kiss jak tlo, a dodatkowo urozmaicilam go mediami- w kolejnosci mniej wiecej takiej:
-embossing zlotym pudrem na ciemnym tuszu (nie mam wprawdzie stempla z damaskiem ale wykorzystalam maske CW i tusz distress black soot)
-stempel TH ze wzorem rombow - odbilam go juz na embossingu, niezbyt mocno przyciskajac stempel, wiec wzor odbil sie nieregularnie- oczywiscie dokladnie o taki efekt mi chodzilo :)
-kawalki tasmy tissue tape
-plamki czarnej farby i glimmer mistow
I used Glitz French Kiss paper as a background and I've treated it with some media :)
-embossing with gold pulver on a dark ink (I used Crafters Workshop Damask Mask instead of the stamp and distress ink black soot)
-TH stamp with the Diamonds, applied on the embossed areas, with a gentle press to get this irregular distressed effect
-few bits of tissue tape
-splashes of black paint and gllimmer mists
Na koniec chcialam Wam jeszcze przypomniec o konczacym sie wyzwaniu na blogu LGS - sa jeszcze 2 dni, moze zdazycie? Wyzwanie jest niesamowicie przyjemne, to zabawa z kolorami :)
To end with, I wanted to remind you that this month challenge at LGS is almost due-perhaps you will still manage to deliver your project? It's increadibly pleasant and easy- play with the pastel colours!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
C.S.I # 43
Before I officially started my DT work with case # 44 , I did a little warm up wirk with amazing case 43.
As my previous work, this one is also based on papers from 7Dots Studio.
This is my last 'old' project, I hope to be back soon with some new projects. My suitcase is full if scrapbook treasures:)))) hope we make it safely back home.
Before I officially started my DT work with case # 44 , I did a little warm up wirk with amazing case 43.
As my previous work, this one is also based on papers from 7Dots Studio.
This is my last 'old' project, I hope to be back soon with some new projects. My suitcase is full if scrapbook treasures:)))) hope we make it safely back home.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
C.S.I # 44
Hello there!
I still have 2 earlier projects to share, my detective works as a member of design team at C.S.I Color Stories Inspiration.
Here's one of them, our debute as a new team is the first November case, check this out, there is still some days left for you to play!
I will be back with the other project soon, so please stay tuned ;)
Meanwhile I'm sending you lots of warm greetings from the sunny California :)))
I still have 2 earlier projects to share, my detective works as a member of design team at C.S.I Color Stories Inspiration.
Here's one of them, our debute as a new team is the first November case, check this out, there is still some days left for you to play!
I will be back with the other project soon, so please stay tuned ;)
Meanwhile I'm sending you lots of warm greetings from the sunny California :)))
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Shabby summer memory
As you might have noticed, it's been quiet here for a while. As a matter of fact , I'm vacationing right now;)
Meanwhile I have some earlier projects to share, a first to go is a project I did as a DT member for Let's Get Shabby latest challenge #40. It's an incredibly inspiring colour challenge this time. Check it out at LGS blog and join the play!
My take on it is a shabby canvas 20x20 in size, with a summer photo of Julia and me. This photo was taken when we were strolling along streets of Borgholm, admiring some old shabby chic villas.
Thanks for stopping by!
As you might have noticed, it's been quiet here for a while. As a matter of fact , I'm vacationing right now;)
Meanwhile I have some earlier projects to share, a first to go is a project I did as a DT member for Let's Get Shabby latest challenge #40. It's an incredibly inspiring colour challenge this time. Check it out at LGS blog and join the play!
My take on it is a shabby canvas 20x20 in size, with a summer photo of Julia and me. This photo was taken when we were strolling along streets of Borgholm, admiring some old shabby chic villas.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
W kolorach jesieni
Witajcie !
Liscie znikaja z drzew w szalonym tempie i ani patrzec jak zawita do nas zapowiedz zimy...
Trzeba uwiecznic nieco jesiennych wspomnien na papierze i wyzwanie 3rd Eye pojawilo sie w sama pore - praca w jesiennych kolorach, z uzyciem stempli firmy 3rd Eye.
The leaves are falling and in no time witer's here... high time to bring some autumn memories into the paper. 3rd Eye is inviting us to play with autumn colours and their stamps :)
I jeszcze kilka ujec w jesiennej scenerii..
Praca wykonana jest na plotnie, ktore pomistowalam po prostu glimmer mistami, uzywajac jako maski nylonowej firanki ze wzorem roz :)
Brzeg blejtramu ostemplowalam stemple El bahia, a liscie to cudny stempel Lisc. wzor odbilam tez na mniejszych listkach z wykrojnikow.
Moze przylaczycie sie do jesiennej stemplowej zabawy na blogu 3rd Eye?
This little project is made on canvas, which I simply misted with glimmer mists (burnt red, olive vine, tiger lily, gold and tattered leather - starting with the light colours and finishing with darker) I used a mask which is basically a piece of old lace curtain .
The stamps I used here are El Bahia (which I stamped on the border) and Leave . That's the big leaves, but the pattern can be stamped as well on the smaller leaves which were made with dies.
Thanks for looking and please check out the 3rd Eye challenge!
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!
Liscie znikaja z drzew w szalonym tempie i ani patrzec jak zawita do nas zapowiedz zimy...
Trzeba uwiecznic nieco jesiennych wspomnien na papierze i wyzwanie 3rd Eye pojawilo sie w sama pore - praca w jesiennych kolorach, z uzyciem stempli firmy 3rd Eye.
The leaves are falling and in no time witer's here... high time to bring some autumn memories into the paper. 3rd Eye is inviting us to play with autumn colours and their stamps :)
I jeszcze kilka ujec w jesiennej scenerii..
Praca wykonana jest na plotnie, ktore pomistowalam po prostu glimmer mistami, uzywajac jako maski nylonowej firanki ze wzorem roz :)
Brzeg blejtramu ostemplowalam stemple El bahia, a liscie to cudny stempel Lisc. wzor odbilam tez na mniejszych listkach z wykrojnikow.
Moze przylaczycie sie do jesiennej stemplowej zabawy na blogu 3rd Eye?
This little project is made on canvas, which I simply misted with glimmer mists (burnt red, olive vine, tiger lily, gold and tattered leather - starting with the light colours and finishing with darker) I used a mask which is basically a piece of old lace curtain .
The stamps I used here are El Bahia (which I stamped on the border) and Leave . That's the big leaves, but the pattern can be stamped as well on the smaller leaves which were made with dies.
Thanks for looking and please check out the 3rd Eye challenge!
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!
Friday, October 19, 2012
A joy to share :)
Witajcie Kochani,
po krotkiej przerwie w blogowaniu mam wspaniala wiadomosc , ktora chce sie podzielic.
Zaczynam niesamowicie ekscytujaca podroz jak czlonek DT bloga C.S.I. !!!
Oto moja odznaka detektywa :)
Today I have something to share and this is BIG - I have just become a detective :)))
Dolaczylam do niesamowicie utalentowanego zespolu projektantow (zobaczcie tutaj ) i mam nadzieje, ze bede ogladac Wasze prace w galerii C.S.I. Jesli lubicie zabawe z kolorem i opowiadanie wyjatkowych historii na papierze - to miejsce dla Was :)
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!!!
I have joined an amazingly talented design team of C.S.I - make sure to check out the news here. You will surely see some familiar faces :)
I really hope to see your works in our gallery - if you love to play with colour and tell some amazing stories on your paper, you've come right!
po krotkiej przerwie w blogowaniu mam wspaniala wiadomosc , ktora chce sie podzielic.
Zaczynam niesamowicie ekscytujaca podroz jak czlonek DT bloga C.S.I. !!!
Oto moja odznaka detektywa :)
Today I have something to share and this is BIG - I have just become a detective :)))
Dolaczylam do niesamowicie utalentowanego zespolu projektantow (zobaczcie tutaj ) i mam nadzieje, ze bede ogladac Wasze prace w galerii C.S.I. Jesli lubicie zabawe z kolorem i opowiadanie wyjatkowych historii na papierze - to miejsce dla Was :)
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!!!
I have joined an amazingly talented design team of C.S.I - make sure to check out the news here. You will surely see some familiar faces :)
I really hope to see your works in our gallery - if you love to play with colour and tell some amazing stories on your paper, you've come right!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Farewell September
Niniejszym zegnam wrzesien, ktory byl miesiacem intensywnej scrapowej pracy. A to za sprawa polaczonych wyzwan dwoch blogow OUAS/CSI , ktore co tydzien proponowaly nam nowe intrygujace wyzwania scrapowe. Udalo mi sie wykonac wszystkie prace i dzis pokaze Wam ostatnia, dedykowana wyjatkowej Osobce, ktora pewnie rozpoznajecie :)
Do wykonania tej wlasnie pracy zainspirowal mnie jeden z warunkow wyzwania - All I really need to know, I learned...
Otoz wszystko co potrzebowalam wiedziec, zeby zaczac moja niesamowita scrapowa podroz, dowiedzialam sie wlasnie od Niej :)
Dziekuje z calego serca Kochana!!!
I'm saying 'farewell' to September, which has been an incredibly intense crafting month for me. All because of weekly challenges at OUAS/CSI
I'm proud I managed to complete all challenges this month and here's my last entry - dedicated to a Very Special Person :)
One challenge condition immediately caught my eye and gave me an idea for this project.
All I really need to know ... All I really needed to know to start my scrapbooking journey, I once learned from Her :) That's my journaling about (hidden on a ticket behind the photo)
Thank you!!! from the bottom of my heart :*
Dla Justi , bo o Niej mowa, zaczyna sie wlasnie ekscytujaca przygoda w gronie DT marki 3rd Eye. Zagladnijcie koniecznie na jej bloga i zobaczcie jej najnowsza prace, debiut dla bloga 3rd Eye.
Meet Justi ...She is just starting an amazing adventure herself, being a part of DT for 3rd Eye.
Make sure to check out her blog and see her amazing projects, the most recent one is her first work as a designer for 3rd Eye stamps.
Here's the challenge conditions from which I picked:
the sketch, colour scheme , from evidence: leaves, small bits and pieces (pieces of paper behind the photo, lace and drops), from testimony : journaling All I needed to know...
Thanks for stopping by, wish you a creative weekend!
Do wykonania tej wlasnie pracy zainspirowal mnie jeden z warunkow wyzwania - All I really need to know, I learned...
Otoz wszystko co potrzebowalam wiedziec, zeby zaczac moja niesamowita scrapowa podroz, dowiedzialam sie wlasnie od Niej :)
Dziekuje z calego serca Kochana!!!
I'm saying 'farewell' to September, which has been an incredibly intense crafting month for me. All because of weekly challenges at OUAS/CSI
I'm proud I managed to complete all challenges this month and here's my last entry - dedicated to a Very Special Person :)
One challenge condition immediately caught my eye and gave me an idea for this project.
All I really need to know ... All I really needed to know to start my scrapbooking journey, I once learned from Her :) That's my journaling about (hidden on a ticket behind the photo)
Thank you!!! from the bottom of my heart :*
Dla Justi , bo o Niej mowa, zaczyna sie wlasnie ekscytujaca przygoda w gronie DT marki 3rd Eye. Zagladnijcie koniecznie na jej bloga i zobaczcie jej najnowsza prace, debiut dla bloga 3rd Eye.
Meet Justi ...She is just starting an amazing adventure herself, being a part of DT for 3rd Eye.
Make sure to check out her blog and see her amazing projects, the most recent one is her first work as a designer for 3rd Eye stamps.
Here's the challenge conditions from which I picked:
the sketch, colour scheme , from evidence: leaves, small bits and pieces (pieces of paper behind the photo, lace and drops), from testimony : journaling All I needed to know...
Thanks for stopping by, wish you a creative weekend!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Wind in your hair
It has been a busy weekend and I have completed my entry for OUAS/CSI case # 38 in the last minute. Time for me to bed now :)
From the evidence I picked: flowers, branches, birds.
From testimony:document a daily routine and inspiration words.
I used a greenish paper from Prima stash, but I applied some gesso on it with a dry hard brush, to get a whitewashed effect and some distress stain Weathered wood, to enhance the shadows.
Then I also used a stencils and white modelling paste. The mask is a Damask by Crafter's Workshop, lovely-isn't it?
Here's the challenge:
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
So HAPPY :)))
Witajcie! Dzis mam dla Was naprawde niesamowita i radosna wiadomosc - niniejszym dolaczylam do DT bloga Lets Get Shabby :)))
Goraco zachecam Was do odwiedzenia bloga, gdzie wlasnie pojawilo sie intrygujace nowe wyzwanie. Oraz garsc inspiracji DT, wsrod nich rowniez moja pocztowka :)
Pamietajcie tylko, zeby Wasze prace zglaszac TYLKO na wyzwanie LGS (tzn nie laczyc kilku wyzwan)
Cieplo pozdrawiam i dziekuje za niesamowite komentarze i slowa sympatii :*
Today I have something really exciting to share - I have just joined DT Let's Get Shabby!!! How awesome is that? :)))
Please check out the current challenge, which has just been revealed, along with some inspiration from DT - among those you'll find mine postcard;)
Hope you get some ideas and soon will join to play with us- just remember that your project should be done solely for the LGS challenge :)
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts and kind comments :*
Niemalze zapomnialam... oto moj debiut w DT:
Goraco zachecam Was do odwiedzenia bloga, gdzie wlasnie pojawilo sie intrygujace nowe wyzwanie. Oraz garsc inspiracji DT, wsrod nich rowniez moja pocztowka :)
Pamietajcie tylko, zeby Wasze prace zglaszac TYLKO na wyzwanie LGS (tzn nie laczyc kilku wyzwan)
Cieplo pozdrawiam i dziekuje za niesamowite komentarze i slowa sympatii :*
Today I have something really exciting to share - I have just joined DT Let's Get Shabby!!! How awesome is that? :)))
Please check out the current challenge, which has just been revealed, along with some inspiration from DT - among those you'll find mine postcard;)
Hope you get some ideas and soon will join to play with us- just remember that your project should be done solely for the LGS challenge :)
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts and kind comments :*
Niemalze zapomnialam... oto moj debiut w DT:
Saturday, September 22, 2012
A distant harbor
Na poczatku tego tygodnia az podskoczylam z radosci, kiedy zobaczylam, ze moj LO Beauty znalazl sie wsrod wyroznionych na tzn watch list na blogu C.S.I. :)
Dalo mi to dodatkowa motywacje do dokonczenia scrapa na kolejne wyzwanie na tym blogu, a raczej polaczone wyzwanie blogow OUAS oraz C.S.I. case #37
Ten scrap jest utrzymany w stylistyce troche dla mnie nietypowej...ale od czasu do czasu nachodzi mnie taka chec niekontrolowanego mediowego szalenstwa :) tak wlasnie bylo w tym przypadku - chcialam troche wyjsc poza wlasne ramy i zaskoczyc Was i siebie :)
Hi there!
Early this week I was overjoyed to see my work Beauty among the gorgeous projects featured in the watch list for challenge #36 at C.S.I. :)
Gave me an extra kick to finalyze my next project for the following challenge , a combined challenge from OUAS and C.S.I.
It's quite an unusual style for me, this one...It's a bit of thinking outside the box for me :)
The truth is, now and then I feel a need of just going with the flow with mixed media, without overcontrolling the process and fear that I will mess something out. It can happen, but then a generous layer of gesso usually gets the process back on track:)
Here's the case :
Hope you can see the sketch :)
From evidence: stripes, some bookpages in the background- very gessoed , buttons, packaging ( that's the net-it's a packaging you can pick up at the airport, to secure your duty free purchases :)
From testimony:handwriting
Techniques: gesso, stencils, misting, stamping.
Dziekuje za cudowne cieple komentarze na blogu i w galeriach ostatnich wyzwan. Do zobaczenia wkrotce :)
Thanks for lots of kind comments on the blog and the photo galleries!
Na poczatku tego tygodnia az podskoczylam z radosci, kiedy zobaczylam, ze moj LO Beauty znalazl sie wsrod wyroznionych na tzn watch list na blogu C.S.I. :)
Dalo mi to dodatkowa motywacje do dokonczenia scrapa na kolejne wyzwanie na tym blogu, a raczej polaczone wyzwanie blogow OUAS oraz C.S.I. case #37
Ten scrap jest utrzymany w stylistyce troche dla mnie nietypowej...ale od czasu do czasu nachodzi mnie taka chec niekontrolowanego mediowego szalenstwa :) tak wlasnie bylo w tym przypadku - chcialam troche wyjsc poza wlasne ramy i zaskoczyc Was i siebie :)
Hi there!
Early this week I was overjoyed to see my work Beauty among the gorgeous projects featured in the watch list for challenge #36 at C.S.I. :)
Gave me an extra kick to finalyze my next project for the following challenge , a combined challenge from OUAS and C.S.I.
It's quite an unusual style for me, this one...It's a bit of thinking outside the box for me :)
The truth is, now and then I feel a need of just going with the flow with mixed media, without overcontrolling the process and fear that I will mess something out. It can happen, but then a generous layer of gesso usually gets the process back on track:)
Here's the case :
Hope you can see the sketch :)
From evidence: stripes, some bookpages in the background- very gessoed , buttons, packaging ( that's the net-it's a packaging you can pick up at the airport, to secure your duty free purchases :)
From testimony:handwriting
Techniques: gesso, stencils, misting, stamping.
Dziekuje za cudowne cieple komentarze na blogu i w galeriach ostatnich wyzwan. Do zobaczenia wkrotce :)
Thanks for lots of kind comments on the blog and the photo galleries!
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