Sunday, January 13, 2013

Love that smile...

Hej hej :)
W ten weekend spedzilam dobrych kilka godzin w mojej scrapkowej pieczarze-niestety nie tylko na scrapowaniu ale rowniez na porzadkach...ale troche scrapowania tez bylo:)
Nowinki z 7 Dots Studio oraz goraczkowe oczekiwanie na premiere The Queens Heart  zachecilo mnie do siegniecia po wczesniejsze kolekcje Anai czyli Hopefully i All I ever...

This weekend I've spend quite a few hours in my scrapbooking cave ;) Scrapbooking and cleaning in turns...The sneak peaks from 7 Dots Studio and a feverish expectation of The Queens Heart premiere inspired me to pick up the earlier collections, Hopefully and All I ever..., designed by Anai .

Papiery, tekturki, tagi oraz naklejki - 7 Dots Studio. Kwiaty i serwetki - z moich bogatych zbiorow.
Papier zostal poddany balaganiarskim zabiegom z gesso ale nie ucierpial:)
Jedna z tekturek (love) wykorzystalam juz wczesniej do innej pracy, wiec tym razem uzylam pozostalej po napisie tektury jako maski i wypelnilam ja pasta strukturalna:) To nie jest moj autorski pomysl, jestem pewna ze spotkalam sie z nim na blogu jakiejs genialnej scraperki:))) ale zupelnie nie moge sobie przypomniec gdzie i u kogo...przepraszam za to...

Papers, chipboards and stickers-7 Dots Studio. Flowers and doilies - my treasure box.
Background paper got a slight brushing of gesso, but survived just fine:)
'Love' was originally in a chipboard set from 'All I ever..' I used the text earlier but I still had a remaining part left, which I used as a mask and filled it in with structure paste:) Smart, huh? :D
Must mention that it's not my idea from the start, I'm sure I've seen it at some genius blog somewhere, but I can't recall sorry for that...

LO jest inspirowane szkicem #51 na blogu Keeping the Best..
LO is inspired by the sketch #51 at Keeping the Best.. Just imagine it turned upside down and a victim of a person who can't stop adding stuff;)

I've spotted this beauty on Elena's blog, in her stunning page which litterally got me on my knees...

Zmykam bo robi sie nieprzyzwoicie pozno... ale moja nowina niespodzianka zbliza sie wielkimi krokami :D Zajrzyjcie do mnie prosze w przyszlym tygodniu!

Need to go now, my beauty sleep is calling ;) But my surprise news is almost ready to be shared:D Come by next week, ciao !


Unknown said...

How beautiful!! Loving the textures and soft pretty!!

Elena Olinevich said...

so sweet and pretty, your work with 7Dots is great, thanks for choosing our sketch